What is Management review meeting (MRM) ?
Management review meeting is conduct for review the quality system. To ensure the internal system is on tracks of basic fundamental. The reviews are conducted for all operations, steps which are taken during scale period. Generally, The management review meeting are taken for reviews, open discsion to focus on individual department. To ensure that the quality system as well as company objective are on track. And what further necessary actions are required? to maintain it.
In the management review meeting, related authority, who are concerned to management review meeting are gives it opinion on regular quality assurance and its procedures to continual improvement.
See Picture #1 & Picture#2 for understand batter (Management review meeting formats)

Purpose of management review meeting
- Considering changes of the internal management & to target the objectives and company policy for the improvement
- Evaluate the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the internal management system
- Identification of opportunities for continual improvement of the internal management system, procedures & products
Management review meeting preparation
The management representatives of internal management system shall information the concerned personnel in advance. For the preparation of the data for meeting, and circulate the agenda to all the management review meeting members. The function heads shall prepare and summarized the analysis data to respect the management meeting agenda / points & submit to detailed information during the meeting in proper form. All the information which is collected from the concern department related to management review meeting and an action plan should be recorded by management representative for the identification; monitoring & controlling on minimize potential non-conformance. Areas where improvement required, ensuring continuing suitability of internal management system, action plan should closely monitored through follow-up verification.
Review of inputs
The management will review the internal management system as per frequency defined by the management for the review. Generally half annual or annually management review meeting is recommended. The agenda are prepared & sent once in week to priority of the meeting subjects. The review may completion at the requirements of system. Internal management system can address effectiveness of the system and included following types of the points for the discussion (Management Agenda):
- Last Audit results
- Review of Old management meeting pending points
- Customer Feedback & complaints
- Status of Corrective action / preventive actions
- Changes / impacts of the system
- Review of objectives & improvements action plan
- Review of process performance
- Review of product conformance
- Continual improvement & progress graph
- Management of change points discussion
- Follow-up actions from earlier management reviews
That above all are general points, which in middle of the discussion. As per company individual points are add for the deep discussions, management review meeting held for the discussion on current status and improvement in the system. Company growths & minimize risk and cost of product that, possible to major points are in center of discussion.
Review of meeting output
As result of the management review meeting, management should implement the recommended points that discussed for the improvement, any product, system or management changes will be also needs to consider on priority and implemented. Input in to management review meeting increasing the information and analysis data related to internal management system performances of the company. Some of the outputs are conducted for the review as below:
- Discussion Result from management review meeting
- Strategic decisions
- Method change process, Change implementation, action plan
- Resources Changes, requirements, improvement and effective use
Management review are completed with modification of the process, settings, changes and improvements in the requirements. Target the objectives of the company, in the first step of the management review meetings will be consider and monitoring on the initiating actions. Its action plan, remains levels of the action plan is discussed after the completions, improvement of the action plan in next meetings as frequency. Results of the management review are proper documented in the management review meeting record format. The meeting records are covered improvement action plans, assigned responsibilities during the meting, allocations of resources to achieve the targets of the management review meeting.
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