What is Safety committee meeting? – Best Practice Guidelines
Safety committee meeting is periodically meeting for organizational safety. The meeting attends by safety committee’s core team and management. for discuss current situation of workplace, safety requirements,at appropriate locations, equipment and safety related discussion. To resolve issues for maintain safety in workplace.
Top management attention must require in meeting to handle the current situation. Solution to concern safety on work floor. Meeting criteria should be clear and expectation with committee. Guidelines for safety to get the requirements of all level’s members of committee. The committee expects all the raised issue should be genuine and acceptable for improvement. As results possible enhance motivation & approach of improvements in workplace.
Safety committee meeting format for help to establish & starting points purpose provided below:

Safety Committee meeting agenda (General Example):
- Approval numbers of minutes should be maintain & clean in agenda.
- Confirmation details of previous minutes of meeting.
- Action – Corrective action & preventive [CAPA] details are must discuss & pointed regarding previous issues. And corrective & preventive action details should be mentioned in agenda.
- Safety office / Health & safety officer / Advisory’s reports, investigations, inspection & actions should be attached. To help improvement for discuss in meeting.
- Brief summary of accident happens in previous year or after last meeting held.
- Brief summary of incident, near miss & investigations reports should be attached. To further actions which previous year or after last meeting held.
- Safety inspector’s findings, others committee members finding or suggestions of any labor are rated in agenda.
- Discussion on present reports of safety point of views for amendment / Further actions for improvements.
- Reviews of safety suggestions of new deal will happen in meeting.
- Training programs details, identifications & needs are review in meetings. If lack any information can amend in training program to further training. In agenda training program also can included to open discussion.
- Planning identify role & responsibility assign which from previous deals.
- Suggestions of committee members to concern insurance, controls in losses & furthers concern issues.
- Committee focus on safety & its related issues to solve on implementation of safety rules. And protective equipment’s / Appliances / Devices – discussion on open forum can also include in agenda.
- Committee’s suggestion on review & analyze viability for modern technology
What points are generally discussed in safety committee meeting? – Most general points
- In the committee meeting discuss and follow up action from previous management review.
- Results of internal audit and evaluation of compliance with legal and other requirement. Which the organization subscribes, and changes circumstances, including development in legal and other requirements. Related to environment health & safety. this is important point which is directly concern with regulatory and statutory requirements, factory acts as well local government body. Hence this points are necessary to discuss in safety committee meeting.
- The members should discuss on trend of environment health & safety system performance.
- Environment, Health and safety objectives are important part of the system. The extent to which objective & targets have been achieved are discussion is important.
- How to effectively implement communication system in organization?. Relevant communication from external interested parties, including complains are coordinate in discussion is necessary.
- The team should discuss on the subject of the activity performance toward health and safety implementation. Involvement of peoples, how and what results of participation & consultation?, targets and achievements.
- The team discuss on summary of incident investigation, status of incident investigations. Corrective and preventive actions, targets and achievements.
- Discussion on recommendation for health and safety system. All the recommendation for improvement in the safety like safety statistics, suggestion scheme and training status are discussion.
The organization, establish safety committee for encourage employee to join in any safety related program. Actively participate in safety program needs & aware potential hazards in workplaces at appropriate locations. Management can provide safe work environment by implementing program and motivate for maximum peoples’ involvement. Safety committee is focus on safety and its related issues and it’s Solutions, and on implementation of safety rules. Also about personal protective equipment, appliances and devices. Committee will also suggest, review and analyze viability for innovation technology if required at appropriate location.
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