Vibration monitoring procedure for construction unit
The procedure needs to establish for construction quality management to maintain quality requirements for observation, monitoring and reporting of vibration of construction operations.
The purpose of this Vibration monitoring procedure is to establishment of proper guidelines to business. And process setup to conduct the supporting processes of observations, monitoring and reporting about vibration. Its effective monitoring through this processes in construction units to take the references of quality management system.
The implementation of scope of vibration monitoring observation, monitoring and concern documentation will be require to perform for construction activities. Where producing vibrations requiring monitoring system in construction unit. The documentation, processes and its concern instructions are maintain as per standard specification for constructions requirements.

Define Responsibility
In the construction unit, quality manager / quality management representative is responsible for ensuring by qualified personnel perform required processes for observations, monitoring and related documentation for the related of each processes. The activities producing vibrations and requiring monitoring according to the special causes mentioned in the construction specifications and standard requirements.
The quality control manager and quality control inspector should observe and inspect the various construction operations which cause vibration. The inspector will work under the supervisor of the quality control manager performing the task required observations, reporting, implementation and documentation as accordingly. The quality control manager is also responsible for the verification and for performing random check and quality audit on vibration activities.
Role of quality control
Quality control manager should be manage the all related documentation. About the monitoring and its planning to communicate the monitoring system on the plant level. Hence the quality control manager is prepared and issue the vibration monitoring plan. That helps to manage activities by concern peoples.
In the construction side, in case any blasting operation are getting perform that needs to verification that the contractor should submitted blasting planning as indicate time period and has complete a vibration monitoring plan. It may includes all required documentation before construction management planning any activities.
Implementation of process
Any blasting operation perform in the unit that quality control manager should visits the plant and area to conduct information and monitoring on vibration occurring. Each event should require to capture during in reporting of vibration monitoring activity.
Hence the concern authority of blasting operation is responsible for provides the data and information to quality control manager about each event occurring. With log file that helps to quality control manager that conduct analysis to improve and minimize the effect on plant levels.
The quality control manager should be verify the vibration monitoring activities that should be accordingly to standard specification of construction quality standards, hence the responsibility of the managing each tasks and match up the standards requirements should be fulfilled. The supporting reporting for the vibration monitoring is conducted by concern supervisor to activity are captured and analysis on the each event are perform by quality control manager accordingly. See example format of daily field report that helps to identify and monitoring activities that conducted in construction side.
Daily field report