Vehicle booking documents
Vehicle booking documents are described information of company works and its requirements, booking details and concern.
Vehicle booking documentation are managed by human resources department, or as per management assigned / appointed to managing vehicle concern requirements, accounting details of vehicles and activity. Vehicle booking documentation are managed for the recording information of the organizational requirements for outside of the units and needs to visits, the concern peoples are book the vehicle to manage requirements are raised for company works. The vehicle requirements can be raised for the employee visits for outside to meet customers, suppliers or any third party for the company concern works, or sending the materials through vehicle to concern customers or third party or any other reasons can be occasional requirements are raise vehicle requirements. Vehicle booking documentation is made by human resources or appointee by management and all the records are managed accordingly.
Vehicle booking documentation is established by human resources department or person appointed assigned duties and responsibilities by management, to managing records and vehicle booking activity, and its concern processes. The records are managed for the accounting vehicle booking expenses, requirements of vehicles for organization works. See picture below given as example format of vehicle booking sheet for education purpose:

Vehicle booking sheet format is used for recording information of vehicle bookings, accounting of each vehicle booked by concern personnel, the records are maintained and update as new booking occurred and its information are mentioned in this sheet, and end of the month this sheet is submitted to human resources department, human resources department is discuss with management for expenses happened for vehicle booking for company works, management is verify the records and calculate the vehicle frequency of requirements, expenses and other analysis for controls over finance and manage activity accordingly.
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Vehicle booking sheet