Vacation control management
Vacation control management is structural process manage to handling employee vacation to minimize affect on regular tasks.
Vacation control management is established by human resources department for managing vacation control processes in structural guidelines to managing each vacation requirement from employee, individual vacation records are maintained to controls over employee vacation, the process is handle to minimization in regular tasks that can be production, quality, manufacturing activities etc.., are regular tasks that affecting due to any employee vacation, and the effects on regular tasks is overall productivity is reduce, hence needs to manage controls over vacations of employee individually, the process is conducting each employee records and monitor each one to minimize affect on tasks. Generally human resources department recording information of each vacation, in case any employee comes to apply for vacation that verify the records that how regular tasks will be affect, in case any substitute is available that human resources is reporting vacation details against management for approvals, and final decision is taken by management is general process flow of vacation process. The human resources department is handling vacation process that needs to aware of each department, operation and its concern operators to easier for maintaining vacation tasks, the process awareness help to determine substitute or process owner, but human resources department personnel are taken the approvals for department head before any vacation process present against management, hence the whole vacation process is controlled by human resources.
Vacation control management process is established by human resources department, and its concern documentation are maintained, the records are used to verification, payroll and other concern to management requirements, individual improvement & increment are also needs this document when management are verify record to views and performance of the year. Human resources department managing records of each employee, there can be in form of days or hours are managed, see picture below given as example format if vacation control sheet can use for recording information of vacation control sheet for education purpose:

Vacation control sheet format is used to recording information of each employee annual vacation details, the details are maintained for various requirements, and measuring performance, interest and other things that help to management for understand employee behavior. The report format is maintained by human resources department and its update, modification and other concern requirements are maintained by human resources department, and also disposal conducted as per documentation system and retention period defined by management.
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Vacation control sheet