Training review activities
Training review is conducted to ensure training effectiveness by pre-review training and post-review training for recognized appliance in development.
Training review is one type of training evaluation where all the training requirements, training effectiveness, requirements of training objectives achievement for the implementation, development in the routine job of employee. For the successful implementation of training objectives and implementation systems approach to training process will have achieved the some major requirements or basics are:
- Analysis
- Understand purposes
- Trainee evaluation
- Training Activities evaluation and implementation
Training review conducted by concern department head, trainers by consultation of human resources, the event is very important to analysis the information of the training, identify the sections and is applicability, during the training what employee learned from the training, in the pre activities review are also mentioned of carrying out the activities and difference that training activities are expected to make to job performance with how much beneficial to the company. End of the training activities team conducting the review that is post activities evaluation or review that major factors are covered which is required as evaluation that are what are the key points learnt from training activities, how employee will apply learned points from training in routine works and also considerate on subject to achievements from training is sufficient etc.., see picture below for training review form:

This form is conducted after completion of the training as a training evaluation, training review form having major fields are concerned and objectives are understand the purpose of training, identify achievement from training and how the employee will take effect in routine works for the implementation of performance in job.
For the conducting review section, training review teams is focus on the key points for the development and to identify the status of the training evaluation and review points should be measurable either in quantitative or qualitative to managing & analysis of training purpose against achievement during the training sections. To determine for success measures of the training is important which are measured by quantitative, qualitative or both the measurements are involved to measure achievement of training.
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