Training monitoring and implementation
Training monitoring and implementation process is established to verification & improve training standards & practices to enhance job performance.
Training monitoring & implementation process is prepared, maintained and update as per standards requirements, the system is established to conducting training records for verification to identify further requirements to meet job tasks at various places and locations of workplaces, the training monitoring & implementation is part of the effectiveness verification that improve training standards and practices to considering required tasks that conducted in manufacturing and supporting processes, for enhancement of job performance individual as well as group participated in training. Training monitoring is conducted on after the training completion as decided to frequently monitor activity of trainee, the verification team is continually observe trainee as training provided for particular tasks or any operation, and team is verify the same, on after completion of observation, team is notes some implementation points required to comply job requirements.
Training monitoring & implementation process is prepared by human resources to contributing various department head, the whole process is manage according job requirements of particular tasks and operation is deployed manufacturing and supporting processes. Training monitoring and implementation process is deployed by human resources manager, and responsible for training concern requirements, monitoring and arrangement of training to comply job requirements. The documents for the training monitoring and implementation are managed, see picture below given as example format of training monitoring and implementation sheet for education purpose:

Training monitoring and implementation sheet format is used to recording information of training monitoring process conducted on after training process completion, the team is frequently monitoring on the trainee as training provided, generally training are managed according trainee job and duties are assigned by management on any occasional training, the monitoring processes are base of monitoring on trainee at on field that is in live manufacturing practices, the implementation part is raise from observation points for particular person or group and the records are maintained in the sheet. The sheet is covered the information are collected by monitoring on activity, and gathered data from various processes through monitoring processes, as well as analysis are conducted of collected data for determine action plan and implementation of requirements to trainee.
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Training monitoring & implementation sheet