Training needs identified & actualized analysis
Training needs identified & actualized analysis is comparison of both to identify gap to verify actualized training provided as per training needs identified.
Training needs identified & actualized analysis is the verification & analysis process that conducted all the training needs identified by various department and submitted to human resources department, each identified training requirement are conducted and scheduled by human resources department are verified with actually training are conducted as per schedule, the records are verify that actual training are conducted as per schedule defined or is there any gap of differences are raised, in short the analysis is conducted training schedule are managed and actually what was happened, both the records are verified and manage what was the differences are happened in actual training provided.
Training needs identified and actualized analysis is conducted by human resources department for managing records of differences and provides in case any differences are raised, remains hours in actual training are conducted with new schedule which was not conducted or not covered in actual training, the reasons for the conducting analysis to provides remain training to employee which can be in form of hours and subjects which are not covered during training. Training needs identified documentations, actual training provided, schedules are other records are managed by human resources department and also all analysis procedures and its concern documentations are handled by human resources department and human resources department is responsible for conducting concern activities of training, for the conducting analysis, human resources department are managed document where training needs identified records and actualized records are managed and compare in training need identified versus actualized training provided, see picture below given as example format of training need identified versus actualized for education purpose:

Training need identified versus actualized format is established by human resources department for find out differences or manage remain training which is not conducted as per training need identified and scheduled. The documents are important part for the human resource department to conducting and manage training as per standard management system.
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Training need identified versus actualized