Tools control process
Tools control process is established to managing tools inventory & transitions made for internal department requirements are managed.
Tools control process is prepared, maintained and deployed in the system to managing tools inventory in store department and also managing transitions, monitoring on each transition made in internal department requirements at various locations, machinery, equipment and manufacturing processes are requisition raised to compliance of requirements of processing to producing materials or supporting processes. Tools control process is important part of consumable goods storage department, and its each move is managed in control process, the records of the tools is manage according to tools control process requirements. The process is established by store department and preparing procedures, guidelines and instructions to managing tools control system to managing and controls over activity of tools dealing between store and user department, generally tools requirements are raised from production lines, quality department, maintenance department etc.., are managed and trained peoples are concern with tools transitions and aware the system requirements to requisitions and return policy of tools should be maintained in existing system.
Tools control process are established by store department, store in-charge is responsible for deployment of tools control procedures, making a guidelines and instruction note to all concern employee and also peoples of user department’s peoples to communicate and document accordingly, the system required documents should be provide to store department when going to make transition of tools concern and also needs to aware of return policy and regular tasks. The store in-charge is making policy and documents for managing and comply requirements of control process, the tools controls records are maintained and update accordingly, see picture below given as example format of tools control log for education purpose:

Tools control log format is used for recording information of tools concern activity, log that help to managing records of tools transition made with user department, the tools are returnable materials that each tools records are important and needs to frequently monitoring on records to acknowledge or notice for return tools as return date planed by user department and returned as so. The documents are maintained, storage and disposal are conducted as per documentation system.
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Tools control log