Time study analysis method helps to identify variation in section in manufacturing processes & product as well analysis of each task.
Introduction time study analysis
In the manufacturing processes are handle to producing materials by deployment and handling various tasks in process. The concern management is managing tasks as per requirements of product manufacturing sequences. Interactions between processes are manage accordingly, but all processes should be manage as per time frame allocate to maintain quality. As well as productivity of resources of manufacturing unit.
Plan & monitoring the system
To maintaining manufacturing processes sequences & interaction proper system should deploy to handle activities are implement in manufacturing unit. Hence the each processes and its stages are conduct by manpower, machinery and equipment should proper manage.
The verification of rhythm of each activities of manufacturing processes are needs to establish time analysis or time study. Time study management & concern analysis handle to frequently monitoring on manufacturing processes. The recording time of each section end and starting to record each second. To analysis process stage & task for improving productivity of resources.
Conducting Time study analysis
Time study analysis & its concern documentation is raise by analysis team. Production or general manager is collecting information from concern supervisors. The records are manage of task wise analysis manage and implement on based of result achieve through it.
Time study analysis is conduct by production manager or general manager. He is responsible for managing tasks that directing concern with implementation of resources implementation. Productivity and efficiency, and also for the implementation of resources utilization to frequently monitoring and controls over the manufacturing activity.
Concern manager is collecting information from concern department supervisor of the each task taken time individually. All data are needs to submit to general or production manager. The report data are merge in single format for analysis.
See picture below given as example format of time study. Its concern reporting are prepare by manager. The below picture given for education purpose:

Review the time study & reporting
The purpose of process documentation is for analysis for improvement of each process stages and section is record to implement. Time study report format is use to recording information of manufacturing processes’ stages. Its tasks taken time for complete the cycle of its self.
The processes and its stages are engage with production lines that needs to proper handling and implementation require. The time study and its concern documentation are needs to prepare, update and manage. Its records for further analysis to determine action plan for implementation and minimize time consumption in each tasks to identify sections that maximum time spend to complete its cycle. A source causes behind the delay processes are conduct for implementation. The documentation are maintain, storage & disposal are conduct as per documentation system.
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Time study report