Technical query document
Technical query document is conducted for managing customer technical issues & queries raised with product supplied.
Technical query documents are raised when the customer having trouble with product supplied, and the product having any technical issues and queries are managed in technical query documents. The documentation is handled by technical peoples of organization and its concern documentation and records are managed for analysis and improvement to minimize technical queries rising from customer end, the records are managed by concern management for improvement, identification of solution of each technical query generated from customers and improvement of products to minimize technical issues in products. The technical query from customers are received by marketing team and primary communication established with customer for understand issue with production which is managed as technical issues, once the marketing is conducting all feedback from customers & required information from customer to enable sources of issues & concern solution are managed by team, marketing department forwarding this issues to technical teams that directly concern with product technical requirements and development, once the issues are conducted by technical team that technical team is managed documents for identification of source cause of issues, end application requirements, reasons for unmatched with end applications & in line with solution to customer in time frame, the system cycle is managed according to standard system management adopted by management for improvement customers concern services, building trust on product quality and improvement of product quality as technical aspect in markets.
Technical query documents are established, maintained and update for managing each technical query to concern product standards, technical expectation and specific requirements of customers, the documents are managing issues that raised from customers that can be concern to end applications standards and specific requirements hence the technical teams should be considered end application requirements its own standards of end applications, specific requirements that needs to fulfillment. The team is managing records of each technical query generating from customers to identify solutions with products supplied to customers hence team is communicate with customers for primary information, end application requirements, exact conditions & situation of product installation with end applications etc.., information are managed in records for inputs of issues to identify solution in line with issues & collected information. The documentation managed by technical team is technical query report which is generated on based of customer technical queries for product supplied, this format is used to recording information from customers, managed technical queries and mentioned in the report, once the records are managed, solution is identified and implemented that the team is sending this report to management for further actions i.e. close or further implementation as customer expectations, see picture below given as example format of technical query report format for education purpose:

Technical Query report format is established by technical team of organization which are handle all technical requirements of products that concerning technical specifications, standards requirements and customer specific requirements that each technical query rising from customer are managed, and technical team is responsible for managing concern tasks, improvement of product quality, handling and identification of proper solutions that technically fulfilled to customers. The documentation are maintained on after completion of tasks of queries resolves, the document changes, process and procedures changes are made accordingly to manage and improve quality of product that manufacturing facilities are conducted the same.
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Technical Query report