Team member performance review and Evaluation
team member performance review process is conducted to verify team member daily activity, discipline and safety handling during works for approval for particular task.
team member performance review process is conducted by human resources and team leader to monitoring on activity of team member / employee to verify daily activity, discipline, attitude, safety awareness in routine works and other important points which required as requirements of team motive, the review team is conducting and monitoring frequently on employee / team member to ensure that the employee / team member is able to conduct tasks that assigned by team leader and qualification for team member’s requirements. When management decided to conduct any works to implement in workplaces like safety concern, some projects and other requirements to needs to manage as team in unit that management is prepared team for particular task, when the team leader is decided by management as per qualifications that team leader and human resources department is conducting monitoring on some employee who can able to conduct task as requirements, hence once the team is selected that human resources and team leader is conducting frequently monitoring on selected employees / team members to ensure ability & qualification of particular task. The system is deployed and conducted without knowledge of employee / team member and all the requirements, points which is needs to verify.
Here we are conducted example for environment health and safety system required team member selection and monitoring system where selected employee for team members are monitored and verify for approvals of team leaders and concern management to provide team members to particular task that team is established by management. For the environment health and safety management system establishment and other concern works are needs to manage by management and some task that conducted at works environment, like safety concern projects, people awareness, personal protective equipment awareness and used training etc.. needs to manage and established for manage system that needs to team in workplace and the team is selected, verified and provided task as on team member performance review conducted and approved by authority, see picture below given example format of team member performance review for education purpose:

team member performance review documents and records are conducted by human resource department, the document preparations & records maintains, updates responsibility of human resources and on completion of processes, human resource department is maintain records as per retention period defined. Hence team leader is responsible for contribute the monitoring & recording information concern team member performance review, approvals and provides tasks to team members.
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Team Member review