SWOT Analysis (Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats)
What is swot Analysis?
SWOT Analysis is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This technique can be used to measure all four characters, to improve overall business growth.
SWOT Stand for:
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- Opportunities
- Threats
Overview to SWOT Analysis
SWOT is well structured technique to find out the overall organization’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Strengths can gives advantage to company for further projects and also involves as objectives both of strengths and weaknesses too. As business point of view SWOT is very important management tool though organization’s real picture can build to gives next more opportunity, SWOT is also one of the opportunities for improvements and organization strength too.
SWOT provides the data thought management enable to take necessary action, its help to understanding for making a decisions that possible directions in case of weaknesses and threats are found and analyzed.
Probably, SWOT is very simple but useful method that just list out the by mind storming thought collecting the information that already preventing in organization as hidden formats need to focus, list down & thoughts about the listed materials are in systematically frame for concentrate on subjects that available or torched.
SWOT Analysis process
Ask the few questions that help to understand the SWOT Analysis, if not found satisfactory, make on other categories
- Sate of Technology available with organization?
- On which area management focused? Is there directive views are there?
- Is there vision & Mission are on track?
- How much experience organization has?
- Ever OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) Report Generated? If yes, what action was taken or still on working projects?
- Any steps are taken by organization to gain turnover? Any plans are available?
- Is there any communication method is available?
- Is there intensive Package for Labors & Middle level managements people?
- Do you follow any internal standards? I yes, list of international standards
- Instructive System manual Are available? Operative standards list
- Which Market is still out of your control or not reached yet?
- Location of organization challenging market growth?
- Do you have list of competitors? Is further analysis done on it?
- People are awareness for waste management? Handling & Hazards?
There are long list can possible for overall details are not possible to delivery in list but try to make a maximum questions are involved in SWOT Analysis. Specific Questions those categories for SWOT Analysis are general as individual Analysis of SWOT as below:
- Companies Achievements
- Controls over Market
- Advance Technology
- Advantage in Product Development (Better than others)
- Strong resource, primary material quality, low cost material input
- Strong Communications between top to bottom peoples
- Poor Performance
- Ineffective waste control
- Problems solving skills fragile
- Mistake Proofing method is not available
- Skilled Employees / Skilled Workmen – motivation Planning, Incentive packages plans or not available
- Seriousness of financial liabilities
- Factors that affect sales not identified yet
- Sales Growth Record positive
- New Markets / Applications are developing
- Supporting technology develops
- Government Export / import / Taxies and levies structured changed as positive for organization
- Competitors developing new technologies and branding
- Laws & regulations affects
- Financial problems
Swot Analysis form

With the positive approach SWOT analysis are done, organization can get the benefit and able to make a right decisions thought focus on those particular area are requirements of the SWOT analysis to concern the opportunities are in strengths, Weaknesses in opportunities.