Supplier score analysis is simply assessment process of suppliers on base of evaluating entire quality of the product receive from suppliers. These evaluation process may help to manage approvals & setup priority of supplier for next purchases.
Introduction to Supplier Score analysis
Supplier score analysis process is manage for conducting individual supplier records. Its analysis to rating the supplier for approvals and managing order prioritize to supplier on high rating score of suppliers. The system is manage for identify the quality of product and supplier services the score is manage as per pre-define criteria of score. As well as acceptable levels for manage the priority of each suppliers.
The approvals process is manage of supplier on supplier deliver materials, quality of purchase product, delivery of supply. As well as entire concern details can be consider for supplier score analysis. The procurement team is responsible for conducting the task that manage all the supplier concern records for the supplier score analysis process.
How to proceeding the score analysis?
The procurement manager is responsible for define procedure, methods, work instructions and guidelines. To manage each tasks of supplier score analysis, and implement supplier score records for identify each supplier quality by various method.
Generally each supplier quality product, delivery, payment terms etc.., details are major considerable values to manage process accordingly. This process is conduct annual basis, where all the supplier rating are manage as per its previous orders. The rating is conducts on history basis that all records of each and every suppliers for all type of product and individual product requirements are consider.
For each product are consider for supplier to manage suppliers records and its previous supply experience are considered for implementation of supplier score to rating and manage prioritize each supplier to manage upcoming orders for particular products.
Score Analysis and priorities
Supplier score analysis process is establish by procurement department, and procurement manager is responsible for deployment and implement in the existing system. Hence the monitoring on each process concern supplier score analysis and controls over the process. To ensure the supplier score analysis process manage and implement as well as peoples are follows strictly as requirements of procedures.
The supplier score analysis process is part of vendor quality improvement system that, in case any supplier are consider in good rating. But still having the possibility of improvement that organization should manage the vendor improvement system. To conducting visiting and auditing, implementation support at vendor facility. All the require guidelines are provide to easier for implement of product quality. Which are purchasing, hence the supplier score analysis impacting the vendor development planning its implementation of its internal system.
Supplier Score card format
For the managing each supplier records and its rating by specific format that is supplier score card. see picture below given as example format of supplier score card format for education purpose:

More about Supplier score card format
Supplier score card format is use to manage individual supplier rating. That is score as procurement team experience with previous supplies. The team may consider:
- Prices of product
- Delivery of each supply
- Sales after services of supplier
- Payment modes and terms
- Internal management system and market reputation,
for implement supplier score card.
The details are manage as records of each suppliers and needs. To fill the each supplier score card to rating and manage priority of next orders to supplier. The high score supplier is manage on top of score rating. When any materials needs that top score supplier get the first order.
In case any issue at supplier end that second top score supplier get the order this is simple method for supplier scoring and implementation of order requirements. To approve and top score supplier identification are support in supplier score card. The documentation for each supplier score records are manage, storage and disposal of records are manage as per documentation system.
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Supplier score card