Supplier documentation management
Supplier documentation management is conducted to managing purchasing product’s specifications, technical and standards documents and drawings of supplier.
Supplier documentation management is established for collecting information, documents from suppliers concern to incoming materials / purchasing products’ documents i.e. product specifications, product technical information, product standards and product concern drawing and sketches etc, are conducted and storage for managing product standards, verification of product and maintain quality for incoming product that provided by suppliers. The documents are maintained supplier wise individually which is frequently supplied, several of products and quantity supplying to company that needs to manage each product documents for verification, inspection process to meet end application requirements. Supplier documentation management is concern with procurement process that purchasing department is handling the documents, managing and storage at level of requirements, each document are separately managed and handled for the verification on incoming materials, and provided to quality peoples to inspecting materials to ensure product quality of incoming materials.
The purchase department, on each new product purchasing concern documentations are demands and storage as per supplier document management procedure, but for the regular supplier and regular product doesn’t required, hence the purchase department is refer the document as per previous supplies. In case of the product change or product amendment or any other reason that supplier is request for change or amend document, supplier is sending request to customer for change or amend records as per product change or documents, terms and condition or any other change that customer’s purchase department is collect changed document and amend as the same. The supplier request is conducted on base of the change request that supplier is document amendment, change or removal request send to purchase department i.e. customer that purchase department is manage that records and change or modification as issue the documents and records are managed in supplier document issue register, each record removal or amendment is conducted at purchase department in supplier document issue register, as per supplier request document and entry is maintained accordingly. See picture below given example format that conducted by purchase department and issue document as per supplier request, those entry are maintained as per given below format of supplier document issue register for education purpose:

Supplier document issue register is maintained all issued document to supplier on request of amendment, change or remove from the list, but on approvals of management, the documents are manage as per incoming product, and its standard requirements that needs to meet end application standards and specification that is important for the purchasing department to manage each document and communicate with supplier for document requirements, reason for remove or amendment to maintain documentation system in the purchase department. The supplier is responsible for provides information, documents and reasons for the submitting and removal of documents, hence purchase department is responsible for conducting documents from supplier as per product requirements that can be product standards documents, specifications and technical information, guarantee documents etc. Records are handled as per product requirements; when the product requirements, specification or any other requirements change that purchase department is remove the document from the list as per management instructions.
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Supplier Document Issue Register