Strategic Planning | The purpose of procedure implementation needs for providing, maintaining and determine needs of infrastructure to achieve conformity to product requirements.
Strategic planning to focus on infrastructure, to comply product requirements
Strategic planning: In the manufacturing / services units, its is basic that, you have to need infrastructure. The infrastructure includes facility, resources and commitment of management and system. When you defined any target / goal, the it will be achievable when you have enough resources. Mostly manufacturing defines target for product conformity. Generally, The strategic planning is ultimate way for identify infrastructure requirements. As well as strategic planing to make in middle of infrastructure.
For Strategic planning, you have to establish procedure for infrastructure, that will describe and gives guidelines regards, how to identify required infrastructure, facilities and workplace’s requirements. Systematic procedure will improve internal ability, facilities and help to improve productivity. As you know, resources needs for efficiency and productivity improvement. The role of management in infrastructure management is very important. The management should committed to provides such infrastructure. To facilitate to better performance any tasks, product quality and compliance.
Manufacturing Facility – Infrastructure overview for organization
The definitions here, we considering infrastructure mean – buildings, process equipment and machinery, workplace, utilities and supporting services. Machinery and equipment concern software can include in infrastructure to considering as capital. The management responsible for provides the facility to maintenance personnel are conducting the tasks. Preventive maintenance and repairing of facilities and equipment. The maintenance personnel are responsible for arrangement for the repairing. Implementation of the materials procurement for repairing, conducting repairing procedures to maintain infrastructure.
How to identify Infrastructure requirements?
The quality planning team identify the requirements of infrastructure, during the planning of realization processes. The quality manual that is standard management system part should be covered the planning process. Documentation – the documentation properly managed for planning of product realization processes. The management responsible for committing and provides the resources, arrangement of infrastructure for particular requirements.
Maintenance personnel role to maintain infrastructure.
The infrastructure is maintained by using a preventive maintenance schedules and programs as responsibility duties and authority provided by management. For the infrastructure management, needs timely maintenance to evaluates facilities, equipment and related infrastructure. To determine areas where maintenance required. The maintenance manager is responsible for arrangement of preventive as well regular maintenance. Preparation of schedule for each maintenance cycle & personnel deployment at appropriate function. Preventive maintenance schedules, planning may be changed based on the analysis of database at management change, reviews or other ways.
See picture below provided for education purpose:

Documentation & Verification
The infrastructure you can maintain by using an infrastructure preventive maintenance plan. The preventive maintenance sheet is maintaining the records for each materials that requires preventive maintenance and deployed schedule. The maintenance manager implemented schedule, implemented maintenance cycle maintained by appropriate individual. The concern peoples will prepare the maintenance schedule documents. As instructed in equipment manual, the schedule lists the due date for the work to be completed.