Storage tank inspection process
Storage tank inspection process is established to ensure storage tank concern activities, condition, processes and safety requirements.
Storage tank inspection process is prepared, maintained and implement in the system to conducting storage tank inspection / audit process to ensure that the storage tank condition, storage tank concern required activities and its processes are conducted properly, the process for the audit / inspection are managed for safety purpose, and standard system requirements. The purpose of the storage tank inspection is to managing audit for particular storage tanks to verify internal system concern storage tanks and storage tank concern information, and condition that makes assurance required for safety management system. The management is establish the internal system where health and safety system are deployed for employee individual health and safety, and storage tank and its surrounding peoples are working for regular tasks that needs to proper care of peoples are working, and also needs to ensure that in case the storage tanks containing chemicals or any hazardous material that needs to proper management for safety point of view.
Storage tank inspection process is prepared by safety officer and general manager to managing internal safety and storage tank requirements which is direct concern with employee health and safety and environment. Storage tank safety inspection process is conducted by selected qualified inspector are select by general manager and safety officer, the team is conducting inspection process as per standards system, the documentation are maintained for the same. To managing documentation, team is prepared storage tank inspection checklist to easier for inspecting areas and storage tanks that points are pre-discussed for audit, see picture below given as example format for storage tank inspection checklist for education purpose:

Storage tank inspection checklist format is used for the verification of storage tanks and its surrounding areas to ensure the internal system and requirements are conducted properly and safe for employees are working near or around the storage tanks and also the compliance of requirements of environmental system. Some points that help to conducting storage tanks inspection see some basic points can used inspection process:
- Verify there are any cracks on the storage tanks, corrosion or any damage on the outside surface of the tanks, piping and valves.
- Is there any leakage from storage tank?
- Whether equipment malfunctions, or any structural and function faults are noticed
- Does actual operation method comply with the operation procedure?
- Whether storage tanks and its surrounding areas, platform and other areas are clean?
As above the simple points that helps to managing inspection, as per storage tanks location, situation of system and requirements of safety the points can be needs enhance and apply in the inspection process.
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Storage tank inspection checklist