Specific exception document
Specific exception document describe information of concern authority collected points that explained against management for exception.
The information of the requirements of internal management, each employees of the company and its requirements, resources management and other concern information where exception of employee mentioned in the specific exception document to submitted and submitted to management, the documentation of specific exception describe information that highlight requirements of employee, and the set of instructions that needs to carried out any tasks to comply and for the compliance with successfully needs resources or any thing that help to reduce time & support managing tasks should be need to explain against management for fulfillment, and the specific exception document is prepared for it. The documents of specific exception is prepared by manager to communicate with all department and identify requirements, where instruction set are provides to each employee for conducting tasks and the set of requirements are managed and submit to management, the management is conducting exception documents and provides as explained to better performance of employee.
The specific exception document is prepared by concern manager, and responsible for managing records, explanation of requirements, provide set of instruction to compliance of particular tasks and documented procedure provides, monitor and controls, and also to exception for employee that needs to complete any tasks, the same documentation is prepared and submitted to management, same the management is take the actions and provides as requirements raised. The documentation are maintained by concern manager, see picture below given as example format of specific exception sheet that used for processing activity, here as below given for education purpose:

Specific exception sheet format is used to recording information prepared and collected by concern manager to communicate with concern department peoples, condition and requirements to complete the tasks that need to manage internally, and the records are maintained the same. The documentation is used for managing for further analysis and support of implementation.
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Specific exception sheet