Special Characteristics of product for manufacturing
Special characteristics of product are specific requirements to comply to end application, which requirements are provides by customers as per application standards.
Special characteristics of product are specific requirements which are different to regular product and those special characteristics are required to complied end applications and its standard and their details are provided by customers to considering requirements of end applications. The product expecting by customer is same product which is manufacturing by company but some special characteristics are add on as per customer special requirements which is important and might possible the product is changed regards to customer end application requirements, special characteristics of product manufacturing as per customer requirements is tough job that all the standards are needs to considering as per product standards, customer technical requirements and special characteristics are also merged to comply customer’s application mean overall product will be special for customer.
Special characteristics of product and its requirements are collected and forwarded by marketing department to production lines, production manager is managing all the special characteristics requirements which is different feature in market that production manager is conducting and monitoring on each activity & operation for successfully merged with product, production manager is responsible for conducting & produce the materials accordingly special characteristics. As per special characteristics all the product features and its concern terms and conditions are managed, decided & declaration are happen, so its important that special characteristics is major factor which impacting all remains attachments with product. Production manager is conducting the documents and format which is used to handle special characteristics of product, here as below given example format which is used by production manager to managing product’s special characteristics and conducting task in manufacturing accordingly. The format for product special characteristics record for education purpose:

Product special characteristics record are hold by production manager, the records are managed as per product categories and its specific requirements where all product special characteristics requirements are incorporate for record purpose. The document is maintained and updated and used when same product requirements are raised by customer end. The document is very important that part of customer specific requirements, some manufacturing companies are maintaining records of product special characteristics along with customer specific requirements.
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Product special characteristics record