Solid waste management
Solid waste management is established to ensure the solid waste operations is conducting systematically and maintain quality and environment in management and improvement of system.
The purpose of solid waste management procedure to establish system to conducting all the waste operations and concern processes to take care of maintain quality works and environment in solid waste management with continual improvements to manage solid waste in the workplaces and storage areas. The procedures of solid waste management should be take care of environment and system quality should be maintain and improve, solid waste handling, moving, storage and disposal processes should be conduct properly and not should affects on environment, the system should allow disposal and recycling of the solid waste to proper used of recycled materials or dispose as non hazardous materials or risk level should be conducted within limit of red category mean high risk hazardous materials, reason that red categories materials are in class on which directly government laws will be applicable, so all the requirements of government law will be needed to follows.
The procedure of solid waste management should be covered all the parts of company and departmental individual responsible for the generated solid waste to temporary mange and send to solid waste storage areas. The system will be effectively managed at both the side department individual and overall company solid waste management. The guidelines / document should be applicable to all activities concerning handling, storage, disposal and recycling processes of various waste generated at the various departments. Probably while it is the responsibility of every employee of company to ensure proper management of solid waste and the following have designed responsibilities. The responsibility of manage solid waste at department individual until not reach at solid waste storage areas that department head is responsible to manage temporary, and on collection and moving at storage areas, solid waste storage in-charge is responsible to manage solid waste as defined management processes.
Departmental management role
Solid waste management at departmental individual solid waste generated are collection, storage & in-house deposal ( moving at storage area) responsibility of department head and should be accountable for generated solid waste in department. Department head should conducted its separate solid waste registers where generated all solid waste and its records are managing for legal requirements and further analysis documents. All the generated waste should be separately stored in department until waste is not moved to storage area for disposal. Department head is also responsible for adequate training of solid waste management for individual involvement in system. Training employees involved in solid waste management and establishment, updating processes.
Human resources Role
Human resources should be provides support for solid waste management on any task, generally human resources should take care to peoples should store solid waste in proper defined bins, and those bins are provided by human resources, before move solid waste all solid waste will be storage in bin temporary. Human resource also ensure that all solid waste should be remove weekly or defined date and time, all departments’ bins should be removed solid wastes and moved to solid waste areas. Peoples should be not mix any other scrap or waste with solid waste, and to maintain system proper training is also arranged by human resources department.
Solid Waste storage
All departments’ and offices solid wastes are conducted on periodic visits of peoples to move all solid waste, in the solid waste will be proper cauterized and storage should be separately. In the solid waste storage should be proper constructed and sufficient numbers of buckets, concrete blocks or waterproof required. Solid waste storage are completely covered on floor by solid concrete to protect soil pollution. Each solid materials are properly storage as per categories defined like metal waste, plastic waste, other papers and organic solid waste etc…, to easier for disposal processes. In case of oil or any other mixed solid waste should storage separately and it should too way from other waste materials and proper isolated to safe against fire incidents.
In the solid waste storage area should be covered sufficiently, all waste material stored in containers, cement blocks or any other hard water proof materials shall be labeled or kept in designed or signed for identifications. Areas should be painted by special color to peoples get idea its solid waste areas.
Solid waste audit
Solid waste audit is conducted on base of frequency defined, generally quarterly or half yearly conducted depends on company levels, the solid waste audit is conducted on base of the standards are adopted by company, The system is prepared by company should be follows of international standards system to easier for the auditor to properly conduct audits and refer clauses. Audit can conducted by internal auditors or by external auditors as company desire but system should be audited one in year or half yearly. the auditors is conducting a simple format which is used for solid waste audit called solid waste audit form where all the information are conducted during the visit and complete the format, see picture below of solid waste audit form, the format is provided for education purpose:

As you can see picture above is conducting all the parts of the solid waste, departmental separate bins, process of the solid waste moving at solid waste areas, labels on the bins and categories of the solid wastes are major subject of audit, in the solid waste areas should be properly handled and all documents should be maintain and updated. There are also audited that any toxic waste should not be mixed, oiled or any high flammable materials mixed waste is separately storage or not is ensure by auditor. To care of environment whole areas’ floor should be proper covered by cement to avoid contamination of land.
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Solid waste audit form