Software maintenance & control system
Software maintenance & control system is needs to managing information technology processes for various departments activity monitoring & controls & regular tasks.
Software maintenance & control system is establish, maintain & update for conducting information technology works requirements in various department, and system that needs managing by systematic ways, where software system is applied that needs to proper care and verification for the software accuracy and properly works in the system, the part of the verification and amendment, improvement or change are part of maintenance activities, so its important that to considering each department requirements, its regular activities with software and monitoring and controls system which are established with software system that needs to proper maintenance and controls for reliable services of software and its controls. The procedure for the software maintenance & controls needs to establish, information technology head is prepared procedure and deploy in system is very important also needs to monitoring for improvement, the records for the software maintenance & controls are needs to verify and conduct for improvement of system to considering each department having a software system.
The software maintenance & Control procedure is prepared by information technology department, and information technology head is responsible for deploy procedure in the system for concern peoples to follow it, and implementation for the same. the system maintenance & controls are very important part of the software system are concern with manufacturing and production lines that difficult for the concern people in case any software problem occur during any manufacturing operation, so the software maintenance and control system are needs to proper conducted by authorized personnel and implement in the management system as per requirements. For the recording information of the activities conducting as per procedure, see picture below given as example format of software maintenance & control form for education purpose:

Software maintenance & control form is prepared by information technology team and deployed in system, which are conducted this format by concern engineers & supervisor to proper system management. This format is generally used for the monitoring and controlling on activities that concern with software and as per frequency defined by information technology management. The system format i.e. software maintenance & control form format involved information concern, resources requirements for the information technology system improvement in the company and all the points are describe and each processes of manufacturing / process parts where software system is implemented and running that needs to proper maintenance and the records are maintained as per process sequences according to software system running.
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Software maintenance & Control form