Shipment readiness intimation & communication
Shipment readiness intimation & communication established to conducting ready materials for shipment to customer to timely delivery.
Shipment readiness intimation is acknowledge note to dispatch / shipping department to materials are ready for shipment to customers on delivery time as the material describe in note for readiness intimation, the communication between two department are established due to the document is managed and forward to concern department that conducting ready materials for shipment to customers as per delivery scheduled by customer or internal management system. The system for conducting records and establishment of communication between shipping / dispatch department and quality department on intimation reach due to shipment readiness intimation by quality department, hence shipment department get intimation letter / format that all delivery dates are verified and set as priority of materials shipping to customers.
Shipment readiness intimation document is important part of the system that quality department is issued to shipping / dispatch department on ready materials from all quality testing and inspection requirements as per customer purchase order and product standards & technical requirements, the document is evidence to completion of all process required and responsible for conducting are over that shipping department is take over the material for packing as per customer requirements and setup priority and availability of transportation to send the materials to customer as per delivery date and priority of materials are mentioned in purchase order. Quality manager is responsible for conducting processes for shipment readiness records to verify internal inspection and other concern records to intimation for ready materials, and monitoring and controls over processes. Shipment / dispatch department is responsible for conducting each intimation received from quality department are manage its packing, transportation and setup for priority as per scheduled. See picture below given as example format of shipment readiness intimation for education purpose:

Shipment readiness intimation is document is prepared by quality department and sending to shipment / dispatch department as intimation of ready materials for delivery to customer, in the document all the required details are filled by quality department to easier for shipment department to manage all the required steps to send material to customer. The document is acknowledgement for the ready materials from all quality and other production stages, shipment department can conduct required processes as per schedules and management instructions.
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Shipment readiness intimation