Scrap ratio documents for yard
Scrap ratio documents are describing information of scrap transition & condition of scrap position in stock yard to identify ratio and scrap reduction from stock materials.
Scrap ratio documents are established to managing information and records of yards to managing each transition of scrap are generate and issued, condition of scrap that describe current percentage of scrap against stocks in the yard, the system is needs to manage and develop in the yard to identification of current ratio of scrap against new materials and stocked in yard, the total materials against scrap are generated and current ratio should be maintain, the records and documents are help to determine actions to reduce scrap from stock materials to minimize scrap generating during processes. Scrap ration documents are maintained by concern management to implement in yard for conducting and analysis records. The purpose of this documents to acknowledge and analysis scrap position and condition of yard having a scrap during the month, new generating scrap is considered as loss, and also the increase cost of product that needs to some actions for minimize cost by controls over scrap generating at various processes, during the manufacturing product at various level and stages of production lines by deployment of control measures and sufficient procedures, guidelines, instructions and peoples awareness through training and courses to minimize or reduce level and ratio of scrap at various locations that storage at scrap yard on completion of production lines stages.
Scrap ratio documents are established, maintained and update by yard manager / yard in-charge, and responsible for all the stock yard concern activity, process, procedures and instructions that transiting materials and scrap generating from various locations of workplaces, the records are managed and update as per daily or as transition made with yard. Scrap ratio documents is analytical document that manage for identification of current percentage of scrap in stock yard, and new generated scrap management. The documentation are prepared by yard manager and deployed in system, see below picture of scrap ratio sheet that used for analysis records, below picture given for education purpose:

Scrap ration sheet format is used for analysis record to identify status of scrap in stock yard, the scrap that generating during various processes are managed, the records are maintained and update accordingly. The documentation preparation, monitoring and controlling on activity and processes are managed by yard manager. Scrap ratio should be maintain as expected or acceptable industrial ratio, but up that can loss the business that needs to concrete actions by maintain waste management.
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Scrap ratio sheet