Salary complaint process in organization
Salary complaint process is established by employee as per standards procedures developed by human resources for identifications and resolve issues.
Salary complaint process is conducts, when any employee having issues concern salary. The issues are managed by human resources department. This procedure for the salary complaints, such as identification of potential issues and actions plans for resolve the issues. These are general requirements and tasks that complied by human resources team. The procedure for the salary complaint is raised, when any employee having a trouble with salary received from human resources / payroll system. Than employee is filing the “complaint form” and submit to human resources department. The details and required information should be filled by employee. His identifications of sources, investigation and solutions is conducted by human resources as in line with requirements.
Human resources and communication
For the human resources department, salary complaints and its solution tasks that needs to conduct and manage the issues as in line with requirements. The general human resources procedures and its instructions are helps to team for conduct the each salary complaint. Its solutions as details are provided by employee. The details are matched with the internal documents. To evidence the details are match and its payable amounts are adjust as required. The salary concern each activity is managed by human resources department. And also responsible for receiving suggestions, issues and complaints for improvement in regular processes. See picture below given as example format of salary complaint form:

The documentation of each salary complaint is managed as per standard format system. It filling is managed as per complaint serial numbers. The documents management system should support to team for implement the processes of human resources. Detailed information and easy for filling by employee are important for each complaint solutions.
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Salary Complaint form