Safety inspection checklist points for chemical plant

Safety inspection checklist points for chemical plant – chemical processing unit


Safety inspection checklist points for chemical plant

  • Is there any material lying on floor in side or outside of gangway at Inspection area?

  • Is the floor clean and Non slippery? Is the area is without Oil, acid fumes, and chemical vapor.  Etc.?

  • Do people wear appropriate PPE’s – Personal Protective Equipment like safety gum shoes, nose Mask, Hand gloves etc… During inspection?

  • Is there any leakage / spillage of water, chemical, oil from machine / Tank? Is there any arrangement to prevent leakage permanently?

  • Is there any rotating equipment or any rotating things are without safety guard in machining area / within chemical unit premises?

  • Is there any damage of Electrical appliances founding during walking inspection at around chemical processing plant?

  • Is there any loose wire or open connections at chemical processing plant?

  • Is there any leakage of oil / coolant on floor in a stored condition?

  • Existing chemicals are stored systematically as directed in M.S.D.S. [Material Safety Data Sheet] & identified with optimum qty and identification?

  • Hazardous chemicals are stored separately with handling instruction or not?

  • Instructions to deal with potential Departmental Hazard exists?

  • Is Handling & disposal of Hazardous waste given to Authorized person?

  • Is stamping & verification carried out for standard weights / Electronic weigh machines once in a year? Is there any evidence?

  • Flow charts exist for all activities done in dept?  Work instruction exists for all an activities indicated in flow chart?

  • Whether work instructions are followed? Indicated Parameters are followed as per work instructions? Records of Parameters are available? Reaction plan / actions are taken for none conforming are evident?

  • Is there any safety instructions for all chemical processes as per flow diagram are available and recorded?  Are they followed?  If followed, is it evident?

  • Is all safety instruction are in line with M.S.D.S. [Material Safety Data Sheet]? Whether M.S.D.S. [Material Safety Data Sheet] available for all chemicals / Reagents used for process and Testing?

  • Safety equipment / Devices provided are in working condition and working effectively?

  • Is the hazardous wastes are from processing is properly packed in PVC bags and stacked in the room provided?

  • Is proper and appropriate records of Hazardous waste generated and disposed off are maintained?

  • Is stack emission check up are carried out as per its defined frequency and methods? Is it inline with Norms laid down in Consent?

  • Is there leakage of water or steam from any lines?

  • Is the condition of Ropes / slings / wires is satisfactory – Not too old OR damaged OR worn out? Are they periodically and jointly inspected with Maintenance Dept. ? or external agency?

  • Is Hoist, fork life, over head cranes or Lifts Examined once in last 6 months? Evidence?

  • Are the Hot Water generator / Boiler / Pressure vessels checked and tested periodically? Evidences of same and with Next due date.

  • Is Lab is with sufficient illumination and Ventilation? Does it provide safe atmosphere for chemical testing? Walls & roof having damage?

  • Does the procedure for Testing Exists? Displayed? Controlled and Updated?

  • Are the Results of Testing Recorded? Is the Records are kept accessible to all concerned?

  • Is the list of Chemical Reagents available with its shelf life?

  • Are Standard operating procedures available for all Chemical Processes? Does Standard operating procedures exists for Preparation, Monitoring and discardation of Chemical / oil bath? Does Standard operating procedure indicate personal protective equipments required for particular testing?

  • IS Chemical wastage / solutions after testing are treated at emission treatment plant?

  • Is M.S.D.S. (Material Safety Data Sheet) available for Chemical Reagents?

  • Are Instruments/ Devices for Testing and analysis calibrated periodically? Records of same are evident?

  • Is the list of Testing facility, its accuracy, capacity, make available and displayed?

  • Any unsafe activity or unsafe situation can be a cause for aspect or hazards – identify during the visit, make a list of the found in case.

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