Repairs job call document
Repairs job call document established to managing repairs job calls from various department to conduct maintenance works at appropriate areas.
Repairs job call document is prepared by department who having a trouble with machinery / equipment or devices that needs to repair, department head is prepare document of repair job call and sending to maintenance department for conducting maintenance task to conduct faulty machinery or equipment to repair and back to serve to manufacturing / production activity to save the time of resources and improvement of productivity individually. To receiving on job call document from various department by maintenance manager, maintenance manager is sending qualified engineer to conduct task where department had mentioned in the document and each machinery / equipment needs to repair is immediately conducted for repair process. Repair job call document or maintenance works request document is important document for communication between end user department and maintenance department to establish communication and information of requirements of repairs jobs at location where having machinery / equipment in trouble, the document is helps to determine requirements of maintenance activity, so maintenance and user department are communicate on maintenance request document tracking number and same all concern documents are manage accordingly.
Repairs job call document is prepared by user department having trouble in manufacturing or supporting processes’ machinery / equipment or devices that needs to maintenance works, user department head sending document to maintenance department for conduct maintenance task and repair machinery / equipment, in the document all concern information is provided to easier for conduct task by maintenance department, see picture below given as example format which can used as repair job call form in regular tasks, the format given as below is for education purpose:

Repairs job call form is used for communication between user department and maintenance department to conducting maintenance works at location where having machinery and equipment in trouble, the records for the repairs job call form is used for collecting information about machinery / equipment problems, locations & other information that help to maintenance engineer to understand problem with machinery or equipment raised during regular operation. The records are handled and storage at maintenance department for further analysis and used for future trouble with machinery or equipment in case problem repeating or same problem happened with another machine or equipment. The document is storage and disposal is conducted as per standards management system and retention period defined in standard manuals.
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Repairs job call form