Remedial action on non-conformity process
Remedial action on non-conformity process is established to identify non-conformity in system & conducting remedial actions to maintain internal system.
Remedial action on non-conformity process is conducted for maintain internal management system that identified non-conformity during audit or inspection process to conducting proper corrective actions and preventive actions on the non-conformity identified at location, proper remedial action on the processes, documentations as per non-conformity identified. The remedial actions are conducted on base of the audit / inspection records, auditor’s comments and compliances requirements and internal system setup. The remedial action is prepared and conducted as per documentation of audits / inspection, and the processes established for producing materials and management system. The remedial action are conducted on the evidences, reference documentation as per authorized personnel coordination with department where non-conformance identified, concern management is identify solution for non-conformance to establish root cause analysis to particular non-conformity in the processes, and activities are managed for manufacturing or supporting processes. The root cause helps to identify sources of causes that concern team is carry out remedial action on non-conformance accordingly.
Remedial action process is established by department manager where non-conformance raised, to conducting remedial action as the preventive actions on non-conformance to impacting on areas of the each processes within department, the records for the remedial action are conducted in the single format is remedial action sheet, see picture below given as example format for education purpose:

Remedial action sheet covered information set of action plan that conducted in department where non-conformance raised during audit or inspection processes for improvement of internal system of department, department manager is responsible for conducting actions to impacting each part of department where similar processes and product being proceed. Department manager is also responsible for preparation of record sheet and submit to management for further action. The records for the remedial action sheet and its concern processes are handled and records are maintained as per action are taken in workplace.
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Remedial action sheet