Release notes, describes final stages and new enhancements.
Release notes is medium of communication with customer to acknowledge the details. A document generally written on technical details. Which is describes the all final compliance of customer order.
Introduction to release note
The release notes / document is provides an summary of the project / subject details. These releases are the status of project / product / design or document for particular requirements about the technical concern. its may cover the general information and analysis details as functionally maintained for particular or pointed subject. Generally the document should prepared & issues on details provides about new features added or implemented features in the product / drawing or document.
The release notes are important ways to communicate with customers, if supplier / manufacturer do not know the customers. Like software manufacturing company always organize the document and update information made through release notes.
How to prepare release note?
In the release notes generally covered the document details about the changes made in existing product. Details of release notes and its update should point the updated details in the product and covered what really change made.
In the manufacturing industry, When you change drawing or sizes of particular product, release is describe those changes in it. The release note describe the issues are fixed and drawings are amended accordingly. The documentation is maintaine and update as per standard documentation in organization, the release notes is part of documentation that should be maintained accordingly.
See picture below given as example:

You can download release note format in word document, excel sheet or in PDF format.