Regret enquiry documentation
Regret enquiry documentation is established to record each regretted enquiry from customer for analysis to minimize numbers of regret enquiries.
Regret enquiry documentation is prepared, maintained and update by marketing department for managing each enquiry are received from customer and regret due to some internal / technical or any other reasons, the documentation are maintained for conducting those reasons and regretted enquiry concern information for the analysis purpose, to improvement customer services and minimize percentage of the regret enquiries that customers are given for its end application requirements. Marketing department is company’s important part that collecting enquiries, provides quotes to customers, communicate and follow up for orders and improve sales of the company that is important for company to marketing department frequently works on the improvement of each part of the system that receiving enquiries and transit its on the requirements of the customers are is also important hence the each regretted enquiry records are also important for identification of reasons that bunch of enquiries are rejected and normally possible to solve and conducted those enquiry for quote to easier for tern in to orders. The analysis for the regretted enquiries concept is established and managed for the provides information as result of analysis to marketing department to understand reasons of failure to deliver quotes to customers, and identified each reasons that are indexing for manage as opportunity to terns in customer orders by minimize regrets of enquiry, normal concept is that maximum quotation mean maximum orders.
Regret enquiry documentation is established by marketing department, marketing manager is responsible for collecting information from other records and managing each documents and requirements for analysis, and also responsible for analysis regret enquiry on collected for identify reasons that maximum enquiries are regretted. Marketing manager is also conducting and identify solutions, indexing resources and other information that minimize enquiries and reporting to management for resolve the issues that raising for quote all the enquiries are being regretted. Marketing manager is also prepared the documents that send to customer as the regret enquiry, there two type of documents can send to customer either regret letter or regret enquiry form that all the details are mentioned in it and send to customer for provides structural information for apologized terms and conditions. The form that conducted and provides as the regret to customer is regret enquiry form, see picture below given as example format for education purpose only, used this form of company used as on your possibility:

Regret enquiry form is prepared by marketing manager and filled concern executive had received enquiry on instruction of marketing manager, the records for the regret enquiries are managed accordingly. In the regret enquiry form is covered all the concern details of customer and its enquiry, customer requirements and important part of the form is to mention reasons for regret enquiry and in case the terms and condition of enquiry changed by customer that possibility of acceptance are also mentioned, in case the customer is agree for it that possibility of the further communication is raised. The format for the regret enquiry form is managed and its concern records, information are used for further analysis.
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Regret Enquiry form