Re-training documentation
Re-training documentation is describing information of training arranged for employee for improvement performance as identified by concern management.
Re-training documentation are established for recording information of re-training arrange on identification of training needs to comply gap of performance requirements, identified by concern supervisors, managers during the job performance analysis and tasks conducting. Re-training documentation are conducting all the activity managed, arranged for provide training during defined time, location, and concern information are conducted during the re-training are conducted by concern person and mentioned in re-training document. The documentation of training and re-training are managed by human resources department on request of concern department head, on receiving request from concern department, human resources department arrange training and re-training required, and all the process managed on approvals of management. The documentation are conducted by human resources and each activity concern re-training is managed, when any department head identify requirements of training to employees for particular tasks that already provided training and also needs to further training on same subject, the identification of needs for training are managed according to monitoring on activity of each employee working within department are conducted by concern supervisor and manager for verification and effectiveness of training and job performance, in case any needs are identified that request are given to human resource department for further training is re-training.
Re-training documentation are prepared by human resources, and selection of the employee is conducted by department head which had request for further training for particular tasks, and employee had weak performance, or any other reasons are identified during job duties, and same human resources department is conducting processes and arrangement of re-training, the human resources manager is responsible for overall activity concern re-training and its documents. The process is also managed on any incident happened that re-training arranged, see picture below given example format of re-training for education purpose:

Re-training form is format that used to recording information of re-training arrange for provide training on particular subjects as requested by department head of employee who participating for training. The re-training are arranged on any incident occurred by employee like poor performance, damage machine or equipment, violation of policy / procedure deployed in system, breach of discipline or any accident / incident happened due to employee that re-training is arrange for minimize incidents in workplaces. The documentation are conducted, storage and disposal are managed as per standards system and retention period motioned in documentation system.
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Re-training form