Quality objective table

To monitoring activities of the manufacturing processes, process measurements, improvement and process stages to controlling on activities, defects from the processes which is decrease values of the quality objectives, quality objectives tables is structural matrix to provided information of the company key indicators that shows grow of the company.
Quality objectives establishment and maintain responsibility of the top management if the quality objectives are company objective, incase departmental quality objectives are maintained by department head. Departmental quality objectives are decided by department head to consider requirements of the current activities, key process indicators that enhancement in product quality which passed through department hand, on base of the departmental quality objectives, company objectives are define in line with overall requirements and liabilities of the company.
In quality objective table, all the company quality objectives are mention to compare current situation with targets are made, in case target not achieved that responsibility are also include to take the response on decrease of values of quality objectives. Each quality objectives should be measurable, hence objective measurements; requirements of measurements are need to incorporated. Due to quality objectives monitoring and controlling how and what impacts on process or what processes are need to impacts on current process for improvement in quality objectives.
Goal of the quality objectives are main factor that all the play are for goal achievement, hence what is the current level and what to achieve in next level are need to define and same are actions plan for the improvements are define for quality objectives to support of each directive areas that directly quality objectives are involve or area that effect quality objectives values.