The procedure needs to implement to ensure all employees understand concept of quality management plan and its individual role & responsibility in system.
Procedure overview to Quality Management Plan
The procedure establishment require to ensure all the employees should be understands, aware, follow and sustain its role and responsibility as concept implemented of quality management planning. Its concern procedures to individual person should understand and manage its role & responsibility in existing system. The procedure for the quality management planning and its requirements compliance depends on the regular tasks of organization.
General requirements – Role & responsibility for QMP
- Peoples working with various processes, and tasks that conducted as per assigned job tasks by management for producing materials and its supporting tasks.
- During their tasks, the each employee should manage requirements of quality management planning. Even also support to implement the system. At in its tasks to overall quality improvement of product and internal management system.
- All the employees working in organization should be well aware of the quality management system.
- Its dedicated planning to implement tasks as quality standards instructions, procedures and guidelines.
- These may help to implement internal system, which is managing with tasks that assigned as duties and its responsibility.
- The contribution of each employee in the quality management planning and its implementation is important that each employee should be understand the basics of requirements of quality management. Even its applicable planning in regular tasks.
In the quality management, all the quality planning and its implementation in the existing system, needs to establishment of proper procedures, guidelines and work instructions. That may helps to employee for understand the system. Hence this procedure managed to ensure that all the employee understand the difference of work instructions and procedures provided to conducting tasks as systematic ways.
Practical way to using procedures & work instructions
It may also the employee should understand the written instructions or procedures, generally management is deploy the work instructions in various languages are in used on the floor, hence each employee can read and understand procedures and work instructions.
When the management needs to implement quality planning and its concern implementation that needs to provide proper training to aware the requirements. How to merge the quality system in regular tasks and its own role and responsibility with quality management plans are given during the training. Hence the quality management planning system’s requirements should be each employee understand, its role and responsibility for compliance of each sections. Which explains the responsibility and authority of all employee on the quality system.
In some organization, management handbooks, templates etc are provides to easier for read anytime by employees and its distributing individually to each one. The each employee can read and understand requirements of quality system and its planning for its jobs. It may help to enhance duties and responsibility provides its best in the system. For the managing quality management system in the various places; needs to maintain documentation, documentation awareness and implementation of training at all the locations for effective implementation.
Quality system implementation in production
See picture below given example of production lines document which use to managing implementation of production lines of quality system, below picture provided for education purpose:

Quality system implementation in the various places of organization needs to care by department head. To effective implementation at all the places by provides training, documentation and system. To making easier for managing tasks to all employee.
Role & responsibility for Quality management plan
Department head is responsible for conducting primary training and awareness to all employees. To provide basic training, product standards and concern details, processes and quality of product, etc. are important part of the basic that needs to provides. Each employee job requirements, duties and responsibility are assign and provides instructions for better performance.
For the training there are many methods to provides training. One of the important part is quiz, interviews, general questions are verify effectiveness and according to feedback. The documentation for the quality management planning and each employee responsibility and duties concern records are managed, storage. Its disposal process is managed at appropriate department as per documentation system.
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Quality system implementation in production