Purchase demand document
Purchase demand document describe request information for the purchase materials for requester’s internal departmental used.
Purchase demand document established to recording and managing information of internal department requirements of the materials to conducting processes, and managing the requests of department head to comply requirements in line with system, the purchase demand document are established by department head and provided to procurement department for material requirements, the purchase demand documents are also concern the internal requirements that all the concern processes that needs of materials are mentioned and provided to purchase department to easier for identify requirements, technical and specification of material requirements against demanded by department head. Purchase demand is requisition of the materials that used when any department having requirements of materials to concern of processes, manufacturing and supporting requirements that department head is prepared purchase demand document and sending to procurement department, when the procurement department is received the requisition that verify with stock, in case of the materials having with stock that they are provided to request department, otherwise needs to purchase from market as requirement describe in the purchase demand document.
Purchase demand document are prepared when any department having requirements of the materials for internal processes that prepared and sending to purchase department, department head is responsible for providing resources to department for internal processes, and documentation for the resources requirements hence the department head is prepared the documents and provided to purchase department. Department head is also responsible to monitoring, follow up on the processes of requisition given to purchase department. See the picture below given as example format of purchase demand slip that prepared by department head and provided to purchase department, below format given for education purpose:

Purchase demand slip format is used to requesting to procurement department by requester or department head having requirements of the materials in internal processes, the slip format is prepared to considering requirements of internal processes that needs for producing materials or supporting processes. The document is used for listing requirements and technical details, specifications and other details that describe actual requirements in processes. The document is handled and storage at the purchase department after the compliance of materials.
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Purchase demand slip