Project time performance tracking documents
Project time performance tracking documents describe individual project performance in terms of time frame to identify project time variance.
Project time performance tracking documents are established to identify time performance of project’s stages and compare various projects running in workplaces. Project time performance tracking documents are established for managing project activities in the time frame to identify time performance of individual project performance and tracking the project accordingly. Project time performance tracking documents are prepared, maintained and update to managing each project running the workplace are conducted together, and managing its concern records for analysis, this process is part of analysis to identify project time limits, estimated completion of project and actual time taken by project are managed to determine how to handle the new project to manage and complete project in time frame. The database helps to determine steps to handle projects and stages and also for improvement with maintain goal of projects.
Project time performance tracking documents are prepared by project management, project management is collecting information from various projects running in workplaces to collecting in single format for the analysis, and project manager is responsible for the managing all information, monitoring on the projects, information gathering from various project in charges and analysis of information to improvement of project status & stages that having a troubles and its proper solutions in line with requirements. The project time performance tracking documents are one of the important document that used for identify project time performance, project manager prepared project time performance sheet for it, see picture below given for education purpose of project time performance sheet format example:

Project time performance sheet format is used to recording information from various projects, mostly time concern information like project started and end date where estimated and actual dates are considered for identify variance of time of the projects running / closed during the year, The records are manage to identify treats that projects was delay and complete late as expected, the time is important factor for the projects that other activities are engaged with projects can also delay or disturb due to project not on track. The purpose of the project time performance sheet maintaining to identify sources of treats and reasons that projects are generally delays to easier for the management to determine actions for prepared to eliminate possibility of delay of projects.
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Project time performance sheet