Production schedule
Production schedule is established for organize material to machinery at various department as per customer orders and requirements of products.
Production schedule is prepared by planning department, the document of production scheduling for organize materials to producing final product are conducted to managing each machinery, equipment, manpower and supporting processes, activities and materials to proceeding final product at various departments and locations as per standards management systems, technical requirements of customers and standards that needs to producing materials as per customer requirements. The production planning department is managing each customer order, product requirements and its technical requirements are considered as per standards, the required product are managed as per customer expected delivery date, transportation setup and other factors that effecting delivery date are considered during planning of the product manufacturing. Planning department is managing which product is conducted by which machine and same for the department and supporting system, management of product for manufacturing are needs to manage bill of materials that used for producing materials are also conducted and manage to smooth producing materials. The production schedule are managed to considering all factors of production concern, customer requirements, technical requirements and product standards to managing delivery date of customer expected.
Production schedule and its concern documentation are prepared by production planning department, production planning manager is responsible to preparation of production schedule, managing product in each department, machinery, equipment, manpower and supporting materials and processes to producing materials in various department by monitoring, verification of records of engagement of machinery, equipment and manpower etc., for organize tasks for producing materials at various locations. The documents for scheduling products at various locations is production schedule sheet, see picture below given as example format for production schedule for education purpose:

Production schedule sheet is prepared by production planning department to managing products in various department for producing materials as per customer requirements. the production schedule sheet document is managed and monitoring activities to concern the producing as per schedule is conducted by production manager, in case any product concern change identified that production manager communicate with production planning department for further actions, production planning manager interacting with team to amendment of production schedule and same are re-distribute in various locations / department as amendment raised on production manager request. The documents and records are managed as per standard management system; its disposal process is conducted as per retention period defined in manual.
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Production schedule sheet