Production versus manpower analysis
Production versus manpower analysis is conduct for identify costing for each product unit per manpower for improvement of manpower productivity and cost control.
Production versus manpower analysis established and deployed in system for managing records of regular production, identify manpower used in production to calculate costing for each product unit are manufacturing with manpower, costing of product unit per manpower for manufacturing processes and manpower productivity improvement by determine actions for reduction in time wastage, skill development of employee working with production and controls on cost. The purpose of production versus manpower analysis is to identify cost of each product unit for enhancement of productivity & controls on cost per unit in manufacturing processes.
Production versus manpower analysis is conducted on information collect from various departments and various location of manufacturing unit, the information are concern with machine wise production records are collected by authorized personnel, production supervisors are collecting information of production at various machine against how much manpower are used for producing materials records are provided to concern manager and department manager gathering information and provide to general manager for further analysis. All the records are maintained by general manager and general manager is responsible for collecting information from various department and locations of production information for analysis and also responsible for identify product unit cost to determine action for cost cutting and other requirements like requirements of resources for cost control, skill development of each employee whose are working in production lines and other requirements to directly cost are increased and also for aware to reduction in time by proper guidelines to peoples of production to reduce its time by time management training. There are too many technique to identify manpower per product unit, generally similar machine are conducted for verification to particular machine wise cost, to identify machine efficiency & manpower used at particular machine for machine wise and manpower management are effectively manage, there are also can identify which machine having in trouble that not sufficient production is produced during time frame, so its important part of the production analysis that only machine production and manpower used at particular machine are conducted for finding costing and analysis to which machine used much manpower and not producing enough product units, see picture below given as example format of production versus manpower analysis format for education purpose:

Production versus manpower analysis is process that conducted by general manager for identify costing per product unit, the system is deployed and contributing all the peoples of manufacturing, the processes for the manufacturing records, and other resources, manpower and time frame are in format are managed for identify costing, but generally production versus manpower are conducted only daily production against manpower used at particular machine, and its analysis is conducted & records are maintained same. The records are conducted according to standard systems, and analysis records and concern reports are used for further analysis for improvement of production lines, employees and internal resources requirements.
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Production versus manpower analysis