Production line issues documents
Production line issues documents are established to managing records of issues raised during manufacturing processes.
Production line issues documents are prepared, maintained an update for conducting each production line issue raised during producing materials in manufacturing facilities, managing records of each activity having occurred any malfunction in machinery, equipment or supporting instruments, manufacturing processes issues or due to human error are occurred production lines issues are managed in document. Production line documents is online recording system are managed immediately when any issue is registered in production line, the records are maintained by concern supervisor during the monitoring production lines for producing materials processes. Production line issues documentation is maintained for collecting information from online production running issues that occurred during the manufacturing processes and those data are collecting by concern supervisor during visiting and monitoring processes, the records are maintained as and when issue raised and identify the solutions immediate by concern supervisors on after register information in records, in case the issue is not solve that supervisor communicate with concern department for solve the issue in line requirements or contact to production manager for further communication on it.
The purpose of establishment of production line issue documents to manage immediate record of each issue raised during producing materials in manufacturing facility to identify solution in line with issues at the same movement, generally minor issue can solve at same time in case the issue having involvement that needs to communicate with concern peoples for managing solution requirements and its concern tasks. The records for production line issue is maintained in production line issue note where daily even each issue occurred managed in the note, see picture below given as example format of production line issue note for education purpose:

Line issue note is format that used for recording each production line issue, reasons for issues and condition of issue in in-process records are managed by concern supervisor, the records are maintained and updated once the source causes identified and in line required solution is implemented in production lines. Production line issue note format is managed by supervisors, and submitting records to production manager for further analysis, production manager is responsible for collecting issue notes from various department and supervisors to manage all production lines issues records for analysis to get full picture of production lines and identification of proper solution of each issue occurred in manufacturing facility. The records are maintained in production office as per standard documentation system and its disposal is maintained accordingly.
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Line issue note