Production hold documentation
Production hold documentation describes information of production hold procedure deployment, identification of problems and concern details.
Production hold documentation are established to recording information of the production hold during production procedures, the records are maintained by concern supervisors and verified by production manager, the production hold process is discontinues process of production where all the machinery, equipment, manpower and other activities of production are completed shutdown that needs to managed records and information of the production hold are important to identify total improvement of cost in product overall. Production hold documentation are prepared by concern department supervisor to monitoring and activity participate the whole process, the records are maintained according to visiting the plant and condition that monitored, and identified defects concern, the documentation process is important part of the production hold process hence the reporting of the production hold report is managed and update accordingly.
Production hold documentation are managed by department supervisors when the production hold ordered received from production manager or supervisor had identified any issues during the production processes, the whole process is maintained production hold process concern, and the documents are managed to verify the condition of production lines, the base information of the production condition are provided by supervisors to production managers and its identified problems and conduct the processes for identification of source causes are also managed by supervisor to manage concern requirements of production lines. The concern supervisors are maintained documents and provided to production manager and same the records are prepared and update when any production hold process is need to establish, see picture below given as example format of production hold log that used for recording information for each production hold process is occurred. Below picture provided for education purpose only:

Production hold log format is used for recording production hold process information and records for the analysis of production defects, product defects, process defects etc.., occurred and identification of source causes that occurred production hold during the timer period, the analysis of production hold is important that managed to collecting information from production hold log that log files are maintained and update as and when required, but update should be maintained accurately to properly managed concern action plan for production improvement.
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Production hold log