Production facilities verification process by supervisor
Production verification process conducted to ensuring manufacturing facilities, process management & manpower are organized properly by supervisor.
Production verification processes establish, maintained and conducted in production lines to ensuring manufacturing facilities are managed properly as per required to producing materials, process management and manpower management system is organized and deployed in manufacturing facility as planned. The production facilities and process verification process is maintained and conducted by supervisor on daily basic or as per frequency defined by management to ensure the each process stage, machine and equipment, process management, manpower deployment, raw materials concern activities and supporting concern to manufacturing process is verified & documented for records. Production verification process is maintained by qualified supervisor, generally the process of verification are conducted as per frequency defined by management, but visual inspection that called walk inspection are managed daily to ensure and verify each activity or before conducting any tasks on production lines, the process for the verification is important for production lines that in case any non-conformity that can possible solve immediate and effectively, and the process of verification of production are also managed during the processes are running, in process supervision is part of production that monitoring and controls over activities of production are also routine responsibility of supervisors.
Production facilities verification process is established by production management team, and conducted by supervisors deployed at various locations and production lines, the process is maintained and conducted for the managing internal system, identification of resources requirements that needs during the manufacturing processes, and managing internal resources management, manpower and machinery to producing materials at manufacturing, the in process supervision is conducted by concern supervisor that duties and responsibilities provided by production manager, and they are responsible for concern activities like monitoring and controls, and documentation of each activity conducted during manufacturing processes with timely inspecting areas where production movements are handled. Production supervisors are also conducting documentation of production processes and its activities, and managing records in various levels of requirements. The documentation for the production process verification, and ensure the requirements, issues and its solution to verify though checklist, see picture below given as example format of production supervisor checklist format for education purpose:

Production supervisor checklist format is used to recording verification of production areas, locations and machinery & equipment to ensure that production lines are clear, each machine and equipment is working accurately, production lines having sufficient manpower, raw materials and bill of materials are available for current requirements with all the required processes, stages and other things that help to producing are deployed and managed to conducting manufacturing processes. The production verification checklist is manager as per internal product processes and manufacturing standards requirements, but generally some things that need to verify are common in the manufacturing units like:
- Verification of the each required operators and supporting team of each machine and equipment deployed / installed in the manufacturing facilities as well as required manpower is available as manufacturing processes requirements.
- Bill of materials are procured and arranged to carry out manufacturing activities.
- The safety procedures are properly following by concern peoples and every body having a safety equipment wear and aware of the risk at locations.
- Verification of housekeeping is proper at workplaces, and near around.
- The documentation verification is maintained at the production lines, and required information collection is proceeding properly.
Production supervisor checklist is documents that managed and need to filled on daily, the concern manager is verify the records and reviews for analysis to identify general issues that having with production lines, records that help to managing and supporting to determine actions for improvement of production facilities.
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Production supervisor checklist