Production non conformance analysis process
Production non conformance analysis process conducted to identify and controls over sources of causes of non conformance for improvement in production processes.
Production non conformance analysis is established for identification of root causes of non conformance to reach to sources of cause raise in the system, for the improvement of the production processes to avoid and possible to eliminate non conformance in the manufacturing processes and improvement of each manufacturing activities, supporting activities, documentations and standard operating procedures to easier for workmen to understand the processes, product requirements and system compliance to enhance quality products during manufacturing processes. The purpose of establishment and deployment of production non-conformity analysis to find out each reason behind failure or none compliance in productions and identify proper solutions and compliance and impacts on other areas within productions concern.
Each identified non conformance by internal auditor in the production department should be responsible for conducing each non-conformity for the compliance, and proper analysis to identify root causes, sources causes of the non conformance and fulfillment of requirements to comply standard requirements should be manage by production head and production head is responsible for those activities, production concern documentation, record collections, analysis of collected information, prepare action plan for against each non conformance identified, and effective implementation of action plan is included in the responsibility of production head or manager. Production non conformance is responsibility of each employee working in production department and should be aware of each activities should be compliance of defined system by management, mostly work instructions, standard operating procedures, labels, tags etc.. Are general for each one and every one is responsible to strictly follow in production department to improvement of the product quality, machinery efficiency and overall productivity.
non conformance is identified by internal auditors which are conducting periodic audit as per internal management system defined frequency to compliance of requirements of standards which are company follows and adopted for internal management system. When audit identify any process, product or system is not proper instructed or not complied standard requirements that auditors are raised non conformance for particular part of system, product or process that the department manager or production management is conducted audits as auditors and collecting the raised non conformance for compliance in line with requirements of standards. Production department is prepared document called production action report which is all concern actions on non conformance are covered to comply standards, see picture below of production action report given for education purpose:

Production action report is conducted by production manager for the compliance of all non conformance are raised during internal audits / external audits, those conformity are separately conducted and each non conformance needs to prepared separate document for tracking and proper documentation. In production action report there are some major fields are required for the document’s elements are:
- non conformance related to – product, process or system – generally non conformance are identified with any once or all concern, and processes for compliance are conducted on base of the nonconformity related with which part of the system.
- Root causes – root cause is simple analysis where production manager is conducting and asking with group discussion or any particular concern peoples for the non conformance why raised, why- why and how? Method is useful for identify main root cause which helps to find out source of causes.
- Action plan – when the production manager / department head get the root cause of raised non conformance that for control or eliminate those reasons of non conformance preparing action plan accordingly.
- Implementation of action plan – when action plan is prepared that department head / production manger contact with auditors and explain those prepared action plan, audit review those plan documents and found satisfactory that implementation of action plan are conducted appropriately.
- Effectiveness checking is conducted after action plan implementation, in case any improvement required that auditor is given some suggestions / comments on its to closure of non conformance.
In production action report also needs to involve current status of the non conformance for the conducting and improvement of system as required to compliance of standards, and end of the report closure, auditors are making a remarks for particular non conformance as opportunity for improvement to making a continual improvement of system and concern activities.
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