Product withdrawals procedure
Product withdrawals procedure is establish to recall defective product from market and to execute initial actions to prevent a re occurrence of product non-conformance.
Product withdrawals procedures is established to withdrawals defective / non-conformed product from market which is already released in market and for determine initial actions and execute action implementation to prevent a re occurrence of product non-conformance and maintain product quality. The documents are established for the assist to comprehensive defective / non-conformance of product withdrawals of batch / lot of finish products which have been identified nonconformity. The management having authority to managing activities of product withdrawals and assigned responsibility to executing action plan of process which through determine implementations and maintain documents procedure to successfully withdrawals, management is responsible for conducting product withdrawals procedures establishment and deployment in the system to handling the withdrawals products and its maintain separate stock of the withdrawn stock to prevent other finished product to affect product quality and sequences of action plans to managing and disposal of withdrawn product from market.
Product withdrawals procedure are established by management, management is responsible for conducting all concern activities, management also responsible for establish team and assigned responsibilities to concern personnel to handles individual activities & records that helps to conduct processes. Concern manager / marketing team is also responsible to managing activities and support to remove product from market which are conducted as per marketing database, records and document which helps to determine action plan for product withdrawals. Withdrawn product should conduct securely or should conduct as highly prioritized and under control / supervision of management to not affect company reputation. The documents and records are managed by product withdrawals team and all documents are managed as per standard requirements, for product withdrawals, team is prepared product withdrawals form which helps to conduct whole process, see picture below given as example format of product withdrawals for education purpose:

Product withdrawals forms is established by product withdrawals team to managing and recording all the activities, details and standards requirements of the withdrawals process, and also communicate with marketing team that helps to managing process, documentation and notification to tracking records and product which is released in market. The documentations are reviewed by team leaders and submit to management, management is also conducting review process of documentation to determine actions and requirements of resources that needs to completion of tasks.
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Product withdrawals form
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