Product status for order management
Product status for order management is the system to managing all resources to conduct order to producing to consider standards & technical requirements for product.
Product status for order management is part of the manufacturing management system to conducting all the available resources and managing remains to producing order given by customers as per product requirements, customer technical standards and technical requirements to producing quality material for customers and met the end application of customer product. Product status for order management is the system for organize manpower, machinery, equipment, time management and supporting materials to considering customer purchase terms and conditions for technical reviews, designs. Product status for order management conducted when the customer released the purchase order for its required end application product, marketing team is conducting purchase order and forwarded to concern management for further processes. Management is conducting those purchase order and prepared job order accordingly, but before the released the job order management discussed with planning team, material stock records and other details for understand situation. Management team is conducting customer purchase order to managing materials, team is see the current stock of the product required and compare with standards and other technical details to further requirements for the production, for the whole process management team conducted all the activities are recorded in format, which all the details are accessible. Product status report is format where all concern details are managed. See picture below given for reference of product status report for education purpose:

In the product status report, management team is conducting all resources information, product requirements, planning sheets and stock available which can used for the product manufacturing or on some required processes to finalize product, product status report is similar to planning but its not just planning for the product but its conducted after the planning for the job order, planning team is conducting the manufacturing processes & other resources management, stock availability of the raw materials, hence product status is works semantically with planning preparation and supporting to planning for managing order in production lines.
Product status report is conducted by management team which built by planning department’s peoples, quality, production and marketing peoples are discussed on the product requirements to meet customer order requirements. The main parts of the product status report are:
- Product Design – Product design can be supplied by customer or internal designed to met customer requirements, in case internal designed that should be customer approved.
- Customer technical requirements are conducted from purchase order or specifically conducted from customer to understand end application requirements to manufacturing product accordingly.
- Customer standards, grades and specification requirements are conducted or as per standards products are considered, generally customer are sending all the requirements along with purchase order but some time customer don’t know the standards in those cases international standards are considerable as per customer’s end application.
- Special characteristics of product are special requirement for the product which is generally required in automotive industry, heavy equipment and engineering concern applications. In special characteristics requirements should be manage after discussion with customers.
Product status report is complete package which all the concern documents, processes, manufacturing activities and supporting processes are covered to managing & focus to product status. Product status report is production document and records are storage for production. The document product status report is one kind of Delivery Forecast document which through possible to predict delivery time & possible quantity to customers.
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Product status report