Product specification – Quality assurance

Quality assurance department is preparing product specification for requirements of customers, product standards and technical requirements are fulfill. Product specification is detailed information about technical details, standards, material grades, applications.
Product Description – Full detail about product – Grades / standards etc..
Parameters – to maintain product specifications, parameter is trigger during the producing the material, as per product specifications, parameters are try to maintain or working around the parameters to compliance of end applications as per standards and technical requirements.
Frequency of the inspection, what frequencies required for the inspecting parameters during the production, in process inspection or final inspection. Frequency should maintain for product quality.
As per standard reference – all the parameters are need to check, measure and analysis as per standard requirement of the product, quality assurance pre define standard requirements against parameters.
As per company standard reference product parameters are need to commend, mostly companies are makings its own standards with references of international standards of product, hence internal standard requirements is primary goal to compliances of international standards.
Criteria for the maintain parameters – quality assurance team are define to met the quality product what criteria required by the parameters will be maintain, what criteria affects on the parameters and how the criteria affect the product quality that considering the situations, quality assurance department define criteria for product quality improvement.
For any product, specific is key to understand product and its applicability. Mostly customers are consider product specifications and then try to communicate with supplier for the product purchasing. By the product specification customer get the idea about product, application of product through possible to compare with customer requirements.