Product applicable standards documentation
Product applicable standards documentation is established for product and sub-product applicable standards indexing & managing internal product requirements as per standards.
Product applicable standards documentation are prepared by production manager or general manager to conducting each product and sub-product applicable standards to managing products and producing materials as per standards requirements to finalize quality product to meet end application, the product standards are managed as per international standards references, customer requirements and processing that conducted on products and sub product during manufacturing processes are considered for applicability. Product applicability is managed as per international standards and its sub product applicability is also considered as per main products group and processing which are conducted during the manufacturing processes.
See example:
Any carbon steel tubes manufacturing company is maintained as per international standards ASTM / ASME, which is specific for carbon steel tubes can be SA 179 tubes that managed and manufactured as per standards requirements, for the main group of the product is Carbon steel tubes and its applicable standards is ASTM and its product grade is SA 179 tubes that consider as standards, hence the customer is asking for fining tubes that its processes are conducted by manufacturing team that standards will be applicable finned tubes.
Product applicable standard documentation is prepared and established by production manager or general manager for the conducting various manufacturing processes to producing materials to maintain product standard to meet quality of product requirements as per international standards. To managing standards requirements during producing materials are managed, monitoring and verification processes are conducted by general manager and responsible for deployment it in system, preparation of procedures and work instruction for direction, the document is maintained to recording product standard is product applicable standard record, see picture below given as example format for education purpose:

Product applicable standard record are managed as per standard requirements by general manager or production manager to producing materials to maintain quality of product that meet end application requirements. The documents for the product applicable standard records are maintained and update as per requirements, raise customer requirements and end application requirements of various products.
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Product applicable standard record