Process improvement notification document
Process improvement notification documents are established to conducting notification given for process development and enhancement of productivity.
Process improvement notification documents are prepared, maintained & update to managing information from activities to concern process improvement and follow up to monitoring of improvement progress in each manufacturing and supporting process, notification to each department provided for individual improvement of processes to overall improvement and conducting records of each stages of process development as well as development and enhancement in productivity of manufacturing processes to ensure that the product quality, improvement of productivity of machinery and equipment and handling & provides skills and productive manpower to manufacturing processes for overall manufacturing process improvement & sequences management. Process improvement notification documents are prepared by management representative and given to any department head where process improvement needs or identified during inspection or audit of requirements of product improvement, when the management representative given process improvement notice to department head that department head is conducting each process stages and identify treats and errors as well as improvement points that directly or indirectly affecting product quality according to management representative noted points about process improvement.
Process improvement notification documents are managed according to inspecting manufacturing process or internal audit queries raised and identified requirements of manufacturing process improvement, identified possibilities of manufacturing / supporting process improvement or some requirements / any activities are identified that affecting product quality, disturbing product quality that department head / process owner is responsible for conduct those non conformance / points which are raised for improvement or general requirements to needs identified during inspection / audit process are conducted and implement accordingly. The requirements are raised during process improvement are managed and forwarded to management with identification of resources required during various operations and improvement process completion, the impacts of the processes are managed and conducted as on priority of process requirements are raised, the records and action plan and its effective actions are conducted and complied each requirements to manufacturing processes and processes interactions and sequences are affected positively.
Process improvement notification documents are established by management representative and its follow up and compliance for manufacturing / supporting processes improvement, and verification of compliance are conducted by management representative, management representative is responsible for managing records & conformation of compliance. The records for the each stages of implementation, improvement process documentations and concern are managed and handled by MR office, the document used for conducting record in single format is notice register, see picture below given as example format of process improvement notice register for education purpose:

Process improvement notice register is documented format used for conducting and managing records of notices are given to various department head for process improvement are identified points during inspection / audit processes by concern team and records are managed and implemented accordingly. The document are managed and update for recording information of notices, where all required points, description of issues, impacts on other processes and manufacturing processes where identified, and steps of actions plan and implementation records against notices given by management team. The documentation is used for analysis of internal manufacturing processes to identify and improvement of each stages and impacts on other processes to overall implementation of each manufacturing unit.
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Process improvement notice register