Procedure for Engineer initials Training
Engineer initials training procedure is established for provides proper training to engineer to considering job requirements, engineer skill and productivity improvement.
Engineer initials training procedure is prepared by human resources & engineering department peoples to contributing to preparation of the procedures by group discussions, referring standards & current requirements of internal management system. Engineering initials training procedure is prepared and deployed for the new joined engineering to provides effective training with each stages of the requirements of job, design, processes etc., to consider job requirements, standard requirements of internal management system and developing skill and enhancement of productivity. Engineer initials’ training procedure implemented by human resources in each new engineer join the company / division, the system is established maintained and implement for engineer skill development and individual productivity improvement.
Engineer initial training procedure are documented by human resources and deployed and implement by engineering division, during engineer training all the records prepared by concern trainers and submit to human resources department, in the records mostly product and general information about company, product and processes flow in the manufacturing and supporting processes, designing of engineering products and its concern skilled are developed during the training period, and those records are maintained and updated during training. The records are maintained during the training is engineering initial training program format which used for recording purpose, see picture below given as example format of engineer initials training program sample for education purpose:

Engineering initial training program is format which is used for recording information of training program, during training of engineers are conducted various topics and its about information and after the training effectiveness of training is conducted by concern manager those information are also covered and filled in engineer initial training program, the document is very important for engineers training, this document is maintained individually and its verification of effectiveness are also conducted in line with topics training given in sections, there are important that effectiveness are not found satisfactory by concern manger that training is rescheduled and attended for concern engineer for proper improvement.
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Engineer initial training program