Guidance Document for problem reporting – problem solving documents
Problem reporting is documentation process that used for manage information of identified problems, and provides details to concern department for resolve the issue raise. The report is part of problem solving documents.
Overview to problem reporting
Problem reporting is unique document that used for recording information related to problems. This document can used at all the departments and levels for cover all problems. Take the standard system reference for preparation of documents, and formats. Problem reporting documentation can generate any department provides details to another department for eliminate the issues raised during the process.
Where to use? – Example
As example:
In case the production department having the issue with the material received from raw material department. Production department raise the report about problem to addressing raw materials, to identify the reasons for problems are occur. If the problem is still having with production department. Here, problem reporting document is helps to describe issue. This report will help to raw material department for track the problem in material.
The reporting is standard process to acknowledged the issue facing by appropriate department. Problem Reporting cover the information of reasons that can be actual causes. In this reporting you can manage & index each issues and solutions as appropriate requirements.
Managing in documentation system
Management representative is prepare document for problem reports. M.R. is also make it as standard format on after discuss with all department. Individual department is filled information as and when required. When any problem occur at any place, related document filling information in problem report. The information require in the problem reporting are collect to visual verification and interview with related personnel. Department is responsible for identify source of causes, and conduct corrective and preventive actions to eliminate the issues.
Report sender department is responsible for monitoring and approvals of actions. The department review the details & gives the feedback on problems & its actions. The documentation is provides by management representative as format is problem report format, see picture below given for education purpose:

M.R. is provides the formats to each department. The format describe issue details occur during any operation, are list and fill in the report. The report contains all related information to enable for further actions. Receiver department of problem report, collects information from it. Problem sources, identification of solutions and implementation are determine by department.
The receiver department is collect information about problems to shorting as per problem categories. That can be critical, high, medium or low to easier for setup priority of problems to establish procedures of actions. All the outcomes from the investigation are manage in this report. The report includes details for problems, remarks and results. Once complete of investigation process, all actions and solutions of problem are describes in the report. Then after report can close and managed in records file.
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