Preventive Action documentation
Preventive action documentation is established to monitoring of activities to defect tendency to identify risky spot to leading potential non-conformity.
Preventive action documentation are prepared & established to monitoring on manufacturing and supporting activities to identify areas of risk to monitoring on trends of processes which by potential non-conformity raised, the preventive action are defecting those areas to managing and controlling on processes for eliminate possibility of non-conformity. The purpose of preventive action documentation is to managing departmental, manufacturing process activities & supporting activities that possible non-conformity and its monitoring system records are maintained and its documentation are maintained for performing activities, analysis & enhancement in preventive maintenance system within company.
Preventive action documentation and concern documentation handled in maintenance department, maintenance head is responsible for preparation of documentation and deployed in system for system improvement. Department head is authorized to take necessary action to concern documentation and preventive action activities, on change or remove of process / procedures, amendment are conducted and responsible to all activities concern is of maintenance department head. The department head is conducting all the activities concern preventive actions, activities records for analysis and same determine actions are required at appropriate department or areas, to conducting preventive actions, department head maintained record sheet is preventive action records where all applied actions are recorded in system. See picture below given as example format of preventive action record for education purpose:

Preventive actions records are managed in maintenance department head, the department head of maintenance is conducting all the records and activities, review process to identify problem in the system to determine preventive action for eliminate of particular trouble / problem in appropriate areas, all the concern documentations are managed for analysis, department head decided of actions to stop the problem occurring, but the preventive action and its scope are limited, the preventive action are deployed for regular tasks that needs to managed in time frame, the documentation maintained it to an acceptable minimum requirements. Preventive action documentation is conduct & managed at maintenance department and all the records are storage and disposal are conducted as per standard requirements.
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