Preservation of product with example – Comply ISO requirements

Preservation of product with example – Comply ISO requirements

Preservation of product is ISO requirements; describes the process for handling, packaging, storage and protection of materials, parts and products to preserve the conformity of product through delivery to its intended destination.


General instruction for preservation of product


Describe your various methods of handling product, materials or parts. This may include: Fork lifts, operated by trained employees, protection, Clean rooms or other environments that protect the product from contamination. Handling at each stage of product realization may be included in work instructions; you can state that in your procedure.


Product and materials are handled in a manner that protects the quality and usability of the item. The planning of product realization processes identifies handling requirements. These requirements are documented in the process quality plans or work instructions.


Describe where you document packaging requirements. This may include product specifications, work instructions, a table of packaging requirements.


Packaging requirements are documented in work instructions for the packaging processes.

Packaging is controlled by revision date. The packaging supervisor maintains a master book of current labels and packaging materials. An example of the current package and the label are dated and placed in the master book. As new labels or packaging are put into use, the old are archived and replaced by the new in the master book.


Describe where storage conditions are identified. Are certain environments required, and if so where are they documented? What kind of tolerance or variance of the conditions is acceptable? This may be documented in work instructions, tables, quality plans or other document.

Describe your process for checking the condition of materials and product in storage. Do you check condition during storage?

Describe your process for making sure that materials and products do not exceed expiration dates in storage. Do you use first in first out procedures? Do you check dates during inventory?


Storage conditions for materials and product are identified during the Planning of Product Realization and documented in quality plans or work instructions.

Materials and product in storage are inspected for expiration date and condition on a monthly basis. Expired or damaged materials or product are disposed of through the Control of Non-Conforming Product procedure).

Standard practices for protection of property include the following:

  • Protection of property and materials from weather
  • Protection of Customer property in and around rig up yards
  • Safety measures for the protection of personnel
  • Securing rig up yards from theft
  • Securing rig up yards to protect personnel from injury

Evaluation of the effectiveness of protection methods can complete during monthly inventory checks. Remove or correct the product found with damage. If preventable issues are identify or if proper methods were not followed corrective action are require to take for prevent future occurrence where possible.

Preservation of product Audit checklist

  1. Are new & reclaimed parts stored in the stores in appropriate bins with locations?
  2. Are parts inputted on the Simply Accounting product records?
  3. Is core stored in in the core area and correctly located with bin number?
  4. Are components in progress correctly identified and stored in an appropriate manner.
  5. Are finished products protected from damage prior to & during the packing process?

Actions for Non-conformity from Audit

  1. All Non-conforming materials, items and finished product are store in the separately and specifically designated area.
  2. For purchased products (RM / Consumables) report shall be forward to HOD (Purchase) for taking appropriate disposition action with concern vendor & use such NC Data at the time of supplier Re – evaluation.



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