Preparation of Schedule for Machine maintenance
The instructions are provides systematic guidelines / procedure to preparation of schedules and planning to perform maintenance activities for machine.
The procedures for preparation of schedule is planning section of maintenance activities, for a systematic guidelines or process for the preparation planning machine wise / equipment wise to perform activities of maintenance accordingly. Planning of schedules and preparation for each machine / equipment schedule for six month or above is very important part of the maintenance task that can reflects the production schedules, order tracking and manufacturing activities disturbances, so the maintenance planning is conducted for the considering orders, production planning and its schedules at machine and equipment engagement as on the scheduled for maintenance / regular maintenance activities. In short the process for the preparation of schedule / planning sheet for maintenance perform for machinery and equipment is important not only for maintenance department also for production department. Before the preparation of the machine / equipment maintenance schedule, team should be consider following conditions:
Machine / Equipment Condition – Self life
Maintenance activities and its task schedule for maintenance are conducted on base of the machine / equipment conditions, the machine and equipment self life is considered for the schedule maintenance as management advice to maximum used of machinery and equipment and costing facts are considered by maintenance before planning schedule of the maintenance activities of machinery and equipment. Each machine and equipment self life, its condition and frequency of used in manufacturing, production activities, processes engagement are considered by management planning team for perfection and accurate planning / schedule of maintenance.
Communications with other department
Maintenance planning team should needs to communicate with individual departments for the machinery and equipment maintenance planning and schedules, communication is very important that any important requirements, machinery conditions, plant condition and any serious requirements can raised during the communication, there are also possible that cause of internal communication between maintenance and any department the facts are comes to know the maintenance before schedule and real performance acts at the department, so its very important that maintenance take in the confidence individually by communicate with department personnel for maintenance schedules and planning of each machine / equipment.
Production / Planning contribution
Before the performing maintenance schedule and planning for machine / equipment maintenance, machine maintenance planning team is coordinate with production and planning department to understand, aware the manufacturing, production schedules, order positions & engagement of machinery, equipment in production processes. maintenance schedule preparation and performance is depends on production and running orders in the manufacturing units that required to managing orders machine wise, equipment deployment as conditions, requirements and customer requirements of delivery etc., subjects are considered for the re-schedules each order and maintenance planning for maintenance activities. Production planning team is contribute in maintenance schedule preparation by understand all the concern issues, machine and equipment conditions and machine maintenance requirements as per analysis machine wise. Hence maintenance team is takes the helps on each machinery / equipment schedule to be free or some time to maintenance task can complete. Without production planning support its not easy to maintain schedules that possible on schedule date any important lot / batch is running on production which is much important than maintenance activities, so both the parties contribution is much important to preparation of schedule.
New installations / commissioning
Machine / equipment maintenance schedule is preparing in the company on six month or yearly basis than after or during the year, there are possible to any new machinery / equipment installations, commissioning are conducted, all the machine / equipment which is new installed are not shows in machine maintenance schedule sheet, those all machine / equipment are remains for performing maintenance task. Any new equipment procedures will be considered for each new installations / commissioning possibilities or happened that schedule team should be makes any provision for it same should considerations on quality of machine, maintainability and safety concern issue will reviewed and necessary requirements, schedule amendment and process involvement is conducted or provision are manage in schedule setup. There are also important that due to new machine / equipment installations and commissioning will not disturb any schedule parts or task, hence schedule should complied with provision of installation and commissioning of new machine / equipment in case plant established.
Layout change
Before preparation of the machine maintenance schedule, planning team should consider possible change in the layout, when ever the company expanding its units that generally layout is change that need to maintenance team should aware all the changes and needed to possible layout change with provision are maintain in the schedule or communicate with the management and project team for the upcoming projects and possibilities on layout changes that helps to preparation of the schedules.
Management change
Management change is one of the most important factor that can be reflects schedules, some time major changes made by management can create reflection in maintenance activities and planning of machine and equipment, there are also possible to schedules of machine are removed from the plant due to latest technology requirements in those cases management and maintenance coordination and requirements in the schedules provisions are conducted before the schedule preparations and same in schedule need to mention.
Priority setup
In the schedule of maintenance activities, its very important to create the schedules and planning for machine / equipment maintenance on base of the individual machine / equipment conditions and requirements of the services, some machinery / equipment is required more services and frequency of the maintenance to increase and maintain its self life, so the maintenance planning team is considering the priority which machine and equipment should be on top priority for the schedules and frequency requirements are considered in the schedule and same should be perform at the floor level.
Manpower management
On more challenge is the manpower for the maintenance team, when the maintenance planning team is preparation the schedule that each person is engaged and manage with the machine, date, unit and time of planning hence there is not guarantee that at the time person will be available on the schedule date, so its important to planning team should assign the due on the primary and secondary duties for the manpower, there is also important that maintenance team having a limited manpower which is on schedules on same day two machine or equipment and suddenly any machine / equipment having the trouble that crating a confusion for the understand priority of the repairing and services that is also need to understand, date wise, time wise conditions and each schedule should be not making any person very busy and another day free that should takes a care each schedule on time and one the task as well.
Schedule sheet
To considering all above factors that can making reflection in the maintenance schedules and team should all the points are considered and making its schedule for the machine / equipment on time / date / responsibilities for the six month or years as per requirements and condition of the plant. See picture below for machine / equipment schedule sheet for reference:

Machine maintenance schedule sheet you can see is simple and state that but important parts of the schedule is managing and engaging machine wise schedule to manage all the machine / equipment and its repairing / services on time. Machine maintenance schedule is also corporate preventive maintenance or schedule is preventive maintenance that never confuse about machine maintenance schedule, preventive maintenance, cleaning lubrication inspection and tightening. But the breakdown of machine / equipment is different thing that need to manage semantically in processes.
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